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Ark Poems - Poems about Ark

Ark Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ark to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ark.
Soon, The sacred black ashes and dark disfigured, but resilient bones of our enslaved, enraged and estranged ancestors, Will awake from their centuries of dazed, polluted and denigrated slumber, to reclaim, revamp their bastardized And emasculated...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, africa, corruption, humanity, independence
Form: Free verse
January 3 Faith in God Bible Meditations Based on Genesis 7-9 Key Verse – Genesis 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Quatrain

The Living Ark
An Ark was made by human hands Constructed precisely to His plans A seat with golden angels on the ends Hovering above He directs their wends For centuries with the tablets in place His commands disregarded in disgrace Since...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, bible, christian, jesus, mother,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sermon on the Ark
(Dedicated to Sniffers.) We are All animals, humans too every One of us, me and you God breathed life into Adam and Eve, into each creature. Atoms unperceived The animal kingdom is the Kingdom of God: A harmony without heirarchy, below...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, allah, bird, butterfly, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Furry Ones with Sprinkles
They said this strange man ate his squirrel: such a lovely arboreal rodent, a creature that nibbles. First he eats its legs, then its body, but omits the heart. That is precious. What? We do not eat a squirrel? Boiled,...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, character, food, heart, humorous,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Muntiny on the Ark
Conditions on the ark were rife with Noah’s sons and Noah’s wife. With animal waste thick as sludge who could walk, much less budge? With no privacy, no amenities, there was heated discontent with each restless malcontent – it happens in...Read the rest...
Categories: dark, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Noah's Ark
Animals, .... Animals, Near Noah's Ark! Which One's That Moo, ...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, appreciation,
Form: Ballad
Noah's Ark
People are going To the mountain seek refuge Due to city flood....Read the rest...
Categories: ark, engagement, judgement, mountains, perspective,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Rainbow Bridge Church, chs 4 and 5
Chapter Four: The Rescue Out he dashed, into wind and rain, his big ears flying behind! He caught the scent of the little pup, she'd not be hard to find. ...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, animal, bible,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Rainbow Bridge Church, chapter 3
Chapter Three: The Storm Suddenly a terrible 'KA-BOOM'! sounded, and thunder shook the ground! The critter congregation began to shout and jump around! Preacher thought a...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, animal, bible,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Rainbow Bridge Church, chapter 2
Chapter two: Meet the neighbors Through the woods that surround the village that we just saw, runs a swift, and crooked creek, where one could wash a dirty paw. ...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, animal, bible,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Rainbow Bridge Church
Book One: Ancestors of the Ark Dedication: To my husband, Harvey, and our daughter, Rosalie. Without your love and support, this would all still be a dream.? Chapter one: Welcome to the Village of Chapel Hill ...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, animal, bible,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Noah's Ark
Noah loaded great beasts on an ark and cleaned messes from morning til dark But a man's gotta eat, so he feasted on meat and at least he had less to dis-bark!...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, animal, boat, care, god,
Form: Limerick
O It's High Time To All Get Aboard God's Ark of Safety
O It's high time for all to get aboard God's very own ark of safety y No unlike my family used to tease each other during a prolonged heavy rainstorm, "It's time to resurrect Noah, and have...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
When Will the Door of the Ark of Safety Close Part Three
Jesus Christ's is the only remaining doorway of the spiritual ark of our safety. It is impossible to go to GOD the Father except through Jesus Christ. For there is no other name given among people but...Read the rest...
Categories: ark, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

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