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All Encompassing Poems - Poems about All Encompassing

All Encompassing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about all encompassing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for all encompassing.

Premium Member All Encompassing Light
Flakes of wisdom carried by mists of bliss osmotically permeates our form, gripped in rapture as polarities kiss, carried away by this benign love storm, in joy currents that are both cool and warm. Pranic pathways within transport nectar, enlivening nodes...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, joy, light, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member All-Encompassing
As warm as sunshine and as cold as ice Nature's the mother for whom the birds sing. Strolling through the woods, I embrace Autumn's tactile and ethereal sensations. From a crackling carpet of fallen leaves to the smell of rotting...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Verse

Premium Member All Encompassing
From scented wildflowers to falling snow or a twinkling star, Nature's ubiquitous. She's an interactive all-encompassing omnipresence, the tactile face of God. (Merse) 8/16/2021 Merse Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Malabika Ray Choudhury...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

All-Encompassing Love
Much like the force of gravity Love surrounds you attracting everything to its core, The more you pull towards you like a bowstring further it shoots the arrow. ~08/07/18 ~"What is Love" contest by Faraz Ajmal...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, love,
Form: Free verse
All Encompassing
It was a romantic endeavor this quest for vaporous ridges, as an adventurous spirit crested already reaching dizzying altitudes, short of vital breath & intensely high, yet, there was no returning as the summit was a mere birds-eye view, it was the...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, adventure, courage, dream, endurance,
Form: Epic

Love's All-Encompassing Embrace
My heart is racing. Faster and faster it beats, And with every beat, I feel the heat of your love surrounding me. Surrounding me, engulfing me, grabbing me, hugging me, encompassing me… Til I’m free— free of the burdens, the heartaches, the pain, the guilt, the loneliness. Free of myself, ...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, black african american, devotion,
Form: Free verse
All Encompassing
Upper case bold g Compass circumscribing me Squared eternally...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, allegory
Form: Senryu
It’s so simple, like the hue of oranges, like citrus in the back of your throat. It burns. I want to drag his skin through my teeth, taste the salt trailing from the corners of his eyes, lick the genius from the...Read the rest...
Categories: all encompassing, love
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Reflection on the Important Things