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Adulteress Poems - Poems about Adulteress

Premium Member Five Women
... The grace of God permeates the genealogy of Jesus. The first woman to appear in Jesus' genealogy was a woman who refused to be denied by pretending to be a prostitute. In so during, having a chi......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, forgiveness, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Genealogy
...GOD'S Grace permeates the universe EVERY generation matters to God NEVER ignore nor minimize God's grace EVIL and dark acts are brought to the light ADAM lost Cain and Abel, but God gave ......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, forgiveness, god,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Value Of Wisdom - Proverbs 2
... Listen well to God's wisdom treasure His commandments in heart have a seeking heart to find silver so understand fully His counsel, not a part You'll then experience the fear of the Lord and......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, bible, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Seven Churches In Revelation In The Bible
...Many years ago, I was reading the Revelation and came across the seven churches and thought where were they then and now for civilizations and some countries changed. I didn’t have a clue and didn......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, adventure, appreciation, bible, christian,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member As an ordinary man
... “I believe God gave His only Son, so that I might live by his word without fear.” The poet. No heralding angl......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, miracle,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When the Verdict Is Wrong
...A Jewish woman, accused of being an adulteress The determination: a gruesome, stressful test Yet something somehow seems awfully wrong A verdict of guilty cannot possibly belong ......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, bible, evil, health, jewish,
Form: Couplet
Husband Fumbles Wife Grumbles
...A husband continues to fumble And his far upset wife grumble, For his easy requests mere mumble: She’ll shed no tear, if their lives tumble: The once straight walker now does amble “Are these ‘E......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, conflict, confusion, marriage, prejudice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Gilded Carriage
...The adulterer and adulteress rode In a gilded carriage, while horses strode Many looked on with pride Others hated the ride Most of the world yawned in blasé mode ......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, irony,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Is Joss Whedon 'I Am' - Christ Reincarnate
...Is Joss Whedon ‘I AM?’ (1) Christ Reincarnate? I Think That That’s Doubtful! More than Trump ‘IS’ (1) (by light years)! Joss’ fan......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, america, graduation, high school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Yet I Remain Faithful
...Filthy and foul I found you, garnished in grime, drenched in dust, polluted in your own putrid blood, orphaned, alone, helpless. Pity overtook me to love, to cleanse you of your stench, to......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, betrayal, heartbroken, hurt, husband,
Form: Free verse
What Would Santa Claus Say
...What Would Santa Claus Say by Michael R. Burch What would Santa Claus say, I wonder, about Jesus returning to Kill and Plunder? For he’ll likely return on Christmas Day to blow the bad ......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, bible, christian, god, jesus,
Form: Verse
Parochial Propensities Promote Personal Pet Peeve
...Particularly pronounce abscess, when rites of spring accursedness prevails, asper testament, sans swell scored psychological achiness recording minecrafted history, viz secreting acridness p......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Free verse
Sons of Nimrod
... Mount the dead animal head above your mantle stone fireplace Lay your nude body upon the grizzly rug of this death skin Likewise, with safari determination, you hunt the wooly soul......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, imagery, slam, truth, wisdom,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Assumption, Presumption , Gumption
...ASSUMPTION, PRESUMPTION , GUMPTION I don’t enjoy been on a plane, I find it scary and a tad mundane, But last time I flew, I sat next to a lady I slightly knew, I was bored and wanted to play ......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, forgiveness, friendship,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Holy Family
...We cannot separate Mother Mary and Saint Joseph They’re having so much connection With the mystery of Incarnation of Eternal God St. Joseph, being guardian of the Virgin’s spotless honor Foster-f......Read the rest...
Categories: adulteress, christian, god, inspirational love,
Form: Terzanelle

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