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Adheres Poems - Poems about Adheres

Adheres Poems - Examples of all types of poems about adheres to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for adheres.
The Bitterest Pill
...The Bitterest Pill. Generations of the entire world.. Once abided by a force fed conditioning, An indoctrination so deep, so vast and yet so hidden.., Reveals a new rekindled conscious bliss, ......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, analogy,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Beauty Inside
...Through birth, adolescents, and then through youth The shapes and colors all remain so new The shine adheres without dissipating No rust, nor mar, perfection not fading A house but built the da......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, age, beauty,
Form: Rhyme

I leave buying food at the market to the spouse
...I leave buying food at the market to the spouse... one helluva comparative humdinger savvy shopper, who can rattle off the best buy for most any given item, at the drop of a hat analogous to ......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, adventure, angel, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The cat instruction manual
...Make one's self scarce when that cage suddenly appears and before they splash that sticky mess that to our fur adheres.. Learn how to get attention when no one seems to listen by increasing the ......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, animal, cat, humor,
Form: Light Verse
...BLACK MONA LISA Art renaissance, a masterpiece did appear, A captivating portrait, both bold and sincere. Splintering ebony grace, a figure so rare, The Black Mona Lisa, with brown eyes and fl......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, 1st grade, art,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Odd Cultural Topics
... Written: August 29, 2023 ______________________________________________________________ In a world of normal minds, they say, As thoughts are bound in an adducible way, A crucial r......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, allusion, analogy, change, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lake
...I sit by the edge of the clear large lake, My chin against my knees, a breath I take. Idyllic warm sun adheres to my wake; I lift my hands; pray, this joyous daybreak. Enchanted b......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, meaningful,
Form: Couplet
...“The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche If you ask me, I’ll tell you wh......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chatgpt-4 Shockingly Rates One of My Sonnets a 94 Out of 100
...“ChatGPT-4, can you give me your literary opinion on the following sonnet? By the way, it is preambled by an explanatory prolegomenon which discusses the sonnet’s theme and my inspiration for composi......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, extended metaphor, satire, sin,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member In the Grass
...Dew drop is happiness in a critical poise, adheres to the grass tip, holding close, searches for the rapture to find ways in the dry blade to the heart morose. Dew drop is joy with dain......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, analogy, happiness, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Crossing a Continent At Night
...Down a runway skybound to cross a continent, see from a window a city fall away with bright beads strung along a coast, then turning inland, clumped townships shrinking to solitary lights......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, flying, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mauve Picks a Winner
...Spindly stretching brambles rebel from main form Amused bending stems eject spikes of rhino horn Thorns barely a repellent for birds resourceful Tweezer glowing twilight globe, a bitte......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, celebration, nature, purple, winter,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Death
...Departure from the land of death and dying Enter a beautiful, perfect land of the truly alive Also, when faced with death's call, some introspection Take into account how we are......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Violets Quiver
...Neck pulsating, close shave shines over whiskers Stiff collar pressure, raced anticipation simmers Key twist intrigue spurs engine's orange rage Needle throws redline on wide torque g......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, adventure, africa, car, extended
Form: Couplet
Oh True Freedom- Come Soon
...Far away from the truth; People wish to be the new Ruth That is ever relevant in all spheres But to simple law of the land, none adheres. They are the best freedom fighters of all time, That......Read the rest...
Categories: adheres, art, betrayal, bullying, class,
Form: Rhyme

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