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These lines are not billable.
Here's the statement for zero.
Though there're seven syllables
I'm no great poet hero.
Zero not so fillable
Compounding it won't rhyme.
Though seeds planted tillable
And a poet's soul are these lines
A new form: Ae Freislighe Poetry Form
Written: 5/12/2023
Contest: Writing Challenge-Z Words
Sponsor: Constance La France
7 syllables per line
rhymes line 1 and 3 3 syllable rhyme
rhymes line 2 and 4 2 syllable rhyme
I found another explanation of this form and I have made a mistake in the form. The first three syllables are called a dunadh and are repeated as the last three syllables of the last line. Sorry, I don't know if I can change it now. What is here now is the one with changes.
Copyright © Sara Kendrick | Year Posted 2023
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