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Where did I go wrong? Some would say I didn't - Bowling, baseball, football and cub scouts - I was there for every minute. Some days I agree it was nothing I did, But that just muffles my true feelings and keeps them hid. What should I have done differently to keep my son from going astray? If I could only go back, maybe things would end up another way? Of course there's no going back. So here I am stuck, nothing I can do to change my luck. I can't make things better. It's all out of my control. Only my son can change what's in his soul. Will he turn his life around and head in the opposite direction? Or will he continue doing wrong, trying to avoid detection? I'm tired of the aches of the heart and the head, Wondering when my son will end up dead. Drug deal gone bad, a bullet to the heart; That's not the way I want us to part. I try to avoid these thoughts, but they're stuck in my mind They make me feel like I'm doing time There is no escape, I can't make them go away

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 9/4/2009 2:24:00 PM
If this is a real life problem, please soup mail me if not don't bother. This poem speaks to many mothers today and is a worthy piece. Have you read Medea by Euripides? Good read for this type of situation. Sara
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