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Writers Write To Write

Quote By Poet "Art can come from anywhere.
Paint with paint or paint with words."
Writers write to write with pen or computer in hand,
we hope when done it will be grand.
The day could start out writing slow,
as the words now start to grow.
Day turns into night then back to day,
as our fingers want to play.
Is it now time to eat,
lunch must be in a bowl at our seat.
Our letters and words,
are flying across the page like wild birds.
Is this leading us on our merry way,
never knowing what we might say.
At last the day is done,
it has been filled with creativity and fun.
Off to bed to get some sleep,
now time to count the big blue sheep.
Will dreams give me a new poem to write,
is this crazy writing world my birthright.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/4/2023 12:32:00 PM
Writers Write To Write ~ Date Written:3/31/2023 ~  "Poem of the Day" Apr 1, 2023
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Date: 4/19/2023 8:34:00 PM
My thoughts when I write or paint. This poem will resonate with me when I do either. Excitement, patience, tenacity, my talk written down, exposed feelings, hope for an outcome of some kind. It was lovely,energizing,motivating,and inspiring. Congratulations to both talented writers. I want to be like you when I grow up :)
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Goldsmith Avatar
Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/20/2023 11:37:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. Your very kind words put a smile on my heart. Thanks... Glad you enjoyed our two writes. Have a blessed day............
Date: 4/4/2023 5:48:00 PM
Congratulations to both of you extremely inspiring women! I am honored to have even shared the same narrative space with so many wonderful writers. The two of you have portrayed that honor with overwhelming class! With reverence and respect! A.S.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/5/2023 7:19:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Your kind words have made my day. Thanks... Have a blessed day............
Date: 4/3/2023 10:30:00 AM
Indeed, we enter a unique "portal" as writers Paula - crossing into a mystical and magical world! Congratulations on your POTD. Easter blessings to you!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/3/2023 1:04:00 PM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Yes, we do enter an unique/creative world as writers. Write On. Happy/Blessed Easter to you. Have a blessed day/week.......
Date: 4/2/2023 2:34:00 PM
Congratulations on p.o.t.d. award, Paula! Writers are born to write, and when our muse visits we drop everything and answer her call. ~ Best regards, my friend. // paul
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/3/2023 8:19:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Yes, when our muse wants to work we must drop everything and work. If not, it will be gone forever. Have a blessed day/week.......
Date: 4/2/2023 9:57:00 AM
Congratulations to both you Paula and Constance on POTD! I love your quote, now in my quotes. :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 10:07:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed my write and my quote. Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/2/2023 12:10:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD. Well done.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:54:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you like my write. I enjoyed writing it. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week..........
Date: 4/1/2023 8:58:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD my friend
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:52:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you like my Writers Write to Write. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week..........
Date: 4/1/2023 4:16:00 PM
Dear Paula, it's such a wonderful feeling when our words take flight. At different times, my feet are grounded, and then all at once, I'm floating on a cloud. Keep painting beautiful images with your words my dear friend, because when you do, you created a Masterpiece. Congratulations on Poem of the Day. My best to you. :) Hugs, Brandy
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 10:04:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed my write. Yes, our feet are on the floor then we are in the clouds as we paint our words for everyone to enjoy. Hugs... Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 1:17:00 PM
Coming back to congratulate you on your POTD, Paula. So exciting. :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:58:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad to see you back again. It is always good to see you here. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 12:12:00 PM
A wonderful poem on why writers write Paula. Congratulations on receiving the award for poem of the day. Keep writing, Belle
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:57:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed this write. Yes, Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week.......
Date: 4/1/2023 10:59:00 AM
An outstanding poem my dear poet friend Paula. A portal indeed. I love this piece a lot and I'll fave it along with the quotes. So delighted to read this precious gem of yours tonight. Congratulations on your well-deserved POTD my dearest poet friend! Thanks for sharing. God bless you always and your writings. Hugs
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/4/2023 12:44:00 PM
Thank You for reading/writing, for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you love my write. I see fav??? Thanks, that made my day. Now Write On. Hugs... Have a blessed day/week...........
Date: 4/1/2023 10:04:00 AM
The irony of writing, in my opinion, is that it is a very solitary occupation, and yet the fact that we want to share our words with others...and thanks to the internet, can do that quite easily...makes it a very social one, as well. But, I, for one, wouldn't want it any other way. An excellent selection for POTD, Paula, and BOL in the contest.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:51:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing, for your Congratulations and for your BOL. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful  poem by Constance. Glad you like my write. Soup brings us together in many ways. To learn, make friendships and to grow as writers. With pen or computer in hand it can be very hard if one is all alone. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week...........
Date: 4/1/2023 9:29:00 AM
Dear Paula (and with acknowledgement to Constance): You (both) inspire me so. This PODT is written like a diary entry or recorded in a log book. You clearly make the most of your days. Best - Ken
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:45:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you like my creativity with the poem "Poet" written by Constance. I enjoyed writing it. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 9:25:00 AM
I love this poem Paula ! Yes a portal for sure . Such beautiful images and emotions at play here ! Congratulations on your POTD! Hugs, Susan :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:38:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you love my fun write. Hugs.... Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 9:09:00 AM
Hi Paula, I loved the title and content. Best wishes in the contest.Congratulations on getting the poem of the day. Have a great day and weekend:-)Alexis
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:36:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing, for your Congratulations and for your best wishes. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you love the title and content. I enjoyed writing this fun write. Now Write On.  Have a blessed day/week...........
Date: 4/1/2023 9:05:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD, Paula! Enjoyed the read of a day and night in poetryland. :-) Thanks for sharing your thoughts through your poetry my dear friend. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:33:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you like my fun write. Yes, many of use live in poetryland. Hahaha... Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 9:00:00 AM
Back to congratulate you dear friend. A well deserved POTD.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:30:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful  poem by Constance. Glad to see you back again. Always good to see you. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 7:47:00 AM
I love this Paula. Another Fave for me. Congratulations for POTD ! Enjoy :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:28:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you love my fun/true write. I see, FAV??? Thanks, that means a lot to me. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 6:32:00 AM
Paula, I am so proud of you for writing this beauty and for getting the POEM OF THE DAY honor and for taking my poem Poet as your inspiration, what an honor!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:25:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for this lovely poem "Poet" by you, Constance. Again "Thank You" for letting me use your lovely poem as my wonderful inspiration. It was a great honor to write it and to have the POTD win. Glad you enjoyed my write from your poem. I enjoyed writing it more than words can say. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 6:32:00 AM
BIG congrats on POTD, Paula. Enjoyed your write.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:02:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed this write. I enjoyed writing it. Now Write On. Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 6:15:00 AM
lovely write Paula. Congratulations on your POTD! hugs :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/2/2023 9:00:00 AM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you found this to be lovely. It was a joy to write. Now Write On. Hugs... Have a blessed day/week........
Date: 4/1/2023 6:14:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD, Paula. How beautiful! You have written an excellent poem - expressed the thoughts which all of us can relate to. Keep writing, Dear Friend. Love ~ Mala
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/4/2023 12:53:00 PM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you found this one beautiful. I enjoyed writing it. Have a blessed day/week...........
Date: 4/1/2023 6:03:00 AM
Congratulations Paula. Look at you! POTD. Nicely penned. Great to see a poem of yours honored:)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/4/2023 12:51:00 PM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed this fun write. I enjoyed bringing it to life. Have a blessed day/week...........
Date: 4/1/2023 5:32:00 AM
Paula, this one is a treasure and your words ring so true!! congratulations on your POTD honors xxoo Enjoy your day!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 4/4/2023 12:50:00 PM
Thank You for reading/writing and for your Congratulations. I took Saturday off. This POTD is a great honor. A huge "Thanks" to everyone and for the wonderful poem by Constance. Glad you enjoyed my write. Have a blessed day/week...........

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry