Wisdom Is My Wealth
If I do not trust my wisdom
then I have earned nothing,learned nothing,loved nothing, become nothing,
I would be a random phantom,a struggle absent triumph to fathom,
just a creature chasing feelings, ignorant of meaning,
would be like disbelieving my birth
underestimating my worth
searching for mirth
in spoiled earth,
As a Mother never leaves the bones of her babe
Wisdom remains the Warchief of my warcraft, Defender of my Dignity,
when born, naked, bloodied, a new face in an old world, a new dream in an old scream
Wisdom was there to share the air, the steward of my soul and shadow, reason's blade,
guardian of flesh and frequency, It'll be present when final breath farewells me,
Wisdom's warfare is figured yet fanatical,dreaded and unseen,
I will not allow anything to invalidate my wisdom, no threat or doubt of strangers,
humans exist to fight, many to exploit the labor and hearts of their neighbors,
all God's animals fight to survive, but we fight for wants and principles as well,
I war not to live longest, I battle to believe in the value of my death, my spirit not to sell,
Wisdom has nourished my motivations as blood nutures the organs
encouraging me to love life today, not tomorrow,
that I should fear not the cruel for they are truly the weak and poor,
that I am worth more than the Petro Dollar, Euro and Yuan,
that Art is my religion and creativity my life,
reminding that to teach is to live and to live is to lead,
that happiness happens steady when you like who you are,
to be mean spirited is to be despirited,
that lies live when our truths appear terror,
Wisdom taught me to be more a conissuer of soul than of body,
that as a champion I should keep relics of my losses as well as of my victories,
that we learn nothing of significance by being right,
that love is never wrong,
that in times of victory be merciful, in moments of defeat be indomitable,
that I am Free as I am Forever,
gave me the motto,
long damn day, good damn day -
Copyright © Justin Bordner | Year Posted 2014
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