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Wisdom Is My Wealth

If I do not trust my wisdom then I have earned nothing,learned nothing,loved nothing, become nothing, I would be a random phantom,a struggle absent triumph to fathom, just a creature chasing feelings, ignorant of meaning, would be like disbelieving my birth underestimating my worth searching for mirth in spoiled earth, As a Mother never leaves the bones of her babe Wisdom remains the Warchief of my warcraft, Defender of my Dignity, when born, naked, bloodied, a new face in an old world, a new dream in an old scream Wisdom was there to share the air, the steward of my soul and shadow, reason's blade, guardian of flesh and frequency, It'll be present when final breath farewells me, Wisdom's warfare is figured yet fanatical,dreaded and unseen, I will not allow anything to invalidate my wisdom, no threat or doubt of strangers, humans exist to fight, many to exploit the labor and hearts of their neighbors, all God's animals fight to survive, but we fight for wants and principles as well, I war not to live longest, I battle to believe in the value of my death, my spirit not to sell, Wisdom has nourished my motivations as blood nutures the organs encouraging me to love life today, not tomorrow, that I should fear not the cruel for they are truly the weak and poor, that I am worth more than the Petro Dollar, Euro and Yuan, that Art is my religion and creativity my life, reminding that to teach is to live and to live is to lead, that happiness happens steady when you like who you are, to be mean spirited is to be despirited, that lies live when our truths appear terror, Wisdom taught me to be more a conissuer of soul than of body, that as a champion I should keep relics of my losses as well as of my victories, that we learn nothing of significance by being right, that love is never wrong, that in times of victory be merciful, in moments of defeat be indomitable, that I am Free as I am Forever, gave me the motto, long damn day, good damn day - J.A.B.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 12/17/2015 12:58:00 PM
This is a magnificent , spectacular poem so mean full and beautiful , very inspiring ...I really enjoyed reading it...hugs / / :D dalia
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Justin Bordner
Date: 12/18/2015 3:06:00 AM
This poem was written with the pure pulse of my soul's desire to live with dignity and to love beyond unfavorable circumstances Dalia. You mean so much to my soul...J.A.B.
Date: 7/5/2014 6:18:00 PM
Hi Justin, this is such a beautiful, powerful write! WOW - very inspirational and deep. Thank you my friend for this awesome gem!
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Justin Bordner
Date: 7/6/2014 1:40:00 PM
Thank you Pandita! This poem is all about self awareness, understanding truth and hypocrisy, finding and sharing strength with others, trusting oneself. J.A.B.
Date: 6/27/2014 8:32:00 PM
Justin, this is so well stated that I will make this one of my favorites. Well done and you more wiser for doing this poem. Verlena :0))s.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/28/2014 2:49:00 PM
I'm honored Verlena, your philosophical poetry and soul are immensely powerful. Our wisdom does grow the more we trust and utilize it. J.A.B.
Date: 6/26/2014 7:29:00 PM
The deeper we think the closer to God we rise. We the small contemplating the infinite until we are merged with the reality of our eternal spirits. I so enjoy your work it causes me to take pause, within that pause my eyes see beyond the screen.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/28/2014 2:46:00 PM
The deeper we think the farther we see, the deeper our experience becomes. Yes, let us see beyond the screen and into the total potential of our Being. Your wisdom favors the only true direction Richard, 360's. Thank you for calm and sincere insight and appreciation. J.A.B.
Date: 6/22/2014 3:22:00 PM
Justin, the wisdom that comes with age is rightfully a guiding force in all we do. Wisdom is priceless. It is earned and cannot be brushed aside as it becomes part of us. You are a deep thinker and I admire the power you demonstrate in your poetry. Best wishes, Carolyn
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/22/2014 8:38:00 PM
Continued...thank you so much for appreciating this Didactic form of poetry Carolyn. I'm a deep thinker because I pay attention to the details of life, lovin the learning process along with givin life as much energy and creation as It gives to me. My Mother still calls me a "Stinker" though. Thanks Carolyn. J.A.B.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/22/2014 8:30:00 PM
The relationship between age and wisdom is vital, and an element of wisdom that I emphasized by articulating wisdom being born simultaneously withe birth of a person's life and awareness in this world, and how One's wisdom will be with One in their "final moment" as well. I love how you reiterated this important realization so eloquently Carolyn.
Date: 6/18/2014 3:53:00 PM
Secondly, I have to say I like your motto. I once put my trust in a wise friend, in return I got a pat on my back. SAYING IT WILL BE OKAY! Looking back at that day, I wish I never put trust in my heart, in convincing me to lend my problems on a man who cast judgment after I swallowed his mature advice. As cruel at it may seem! My heart THE NOT so wise one, should never breathe the same air, as any perfect stranger. Greater friends stand by my side now, those without wisdom, those, who are dammed every day, in other faults. Now & Later I put myself in God's hands. I have open faith, and pray. Through God --I will win the war, when I am ready. Wise, is he who stops by to smile, a smile with a smile. I fight to survive, and would never cast true-ness to a side... Linda
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/18/2014 8:57:00 PM
I admire your passion and humble faith in honest friends Linda. Sometimes wisdom feels like judgement, and sometimes friends feel like strangers, what matters is that we sustain respect for the justice and petfection alive throughout the Cosmos, and believe in the goodwill potential in peoples hearts. Your trust is not misplaced with me Linda. Always, J.A.B.
Date: 6/18/2014 3:47:00 PM
:)On Second Thought! I have a thing or two to say about wisdom. First, I will start with a side note-- To Me: Wisdom, should just stay where it finds its most comfort. By;PD
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/18/2014 8:49:00 PM
A man or woman who is prepared to die is a man or woman who is prepared to live my Sphinx. Your so wild Linda, and your wisdom rough riddle ; ) J.A.B.
Date: 6/18/2014 3:36:00 PM
Justin, you are a very rich man........ Glad you are enjoying all of you.. I am so happy for you..... Linda
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/18/2014 8:46:00 PM
I'm just happy that I know people like you Linda. You are one of the most dynamic, beautiful, mysterious things I've ever become aware of in this Universe. You are pure beauty to me. J.A.B.
Date: 6/18/2014 3:22:00 PM
just read your message to you. I will tell you for future reference, I do not see poet replies to me on comments I make. But once in a while I return to someone's poem looking for one to reply to and I chance to see that the poet had made a reply to me. Let me look for one of yours that will be a new poem for me!
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/18/2014 8:36:00 PM
Your search will lead to satisfaction Andrea. J.A.B.
Date: 6/17/2014 12:16:00 PM
very empowering. such as a fearless , soulful rant. ..i like, justin.. huggs
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/17/2014 12:50:00 PM
Thank you Nette. I am proud that you can appreciate the unique expression I gave to my wisdom in this unconventional poetry. When i was ready I learned these truths directly, and wrote them truly. Truth bears no fruit for those unprepared to eat of it my friend. J.A.B.
Date: 6/15/2014 3:38:00 PM
"I war not to live longest, I battle to believe in the value of my death, my spirit not to sell..." I love that. This piece is fantastic, as all of your poetry is. Your words are clear, heartfelt, and rich in intensity and knowledge. Being able to believe in your wisdom enables others to believe in themselves, and inspires others to think on higher grounds. I appreciate these words and will be back to read it again. Always, Laura
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/15/2014 8:47:00 PM
I am humbled by your wise perspective on my poetry Laura. As I stated in this write, to teach is to live, to live is to lead. You beauty and endurance have led me to greater understanding of myself and the Art that is other human beings. Its so good to have your vibrant mind visiting me. Thank you!
Date: 6/14/2014 9:35:00 PM
A great poem Justin. Your wisdom shows in this beautiful piece of poetry. Thanks for sharing with us... Lucilla
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/15/2014 12:26:00 PM
Thank you Lucilla. I have so more to learn and to give my friend. Doing my best to worship God through my talents and potential, giving the best kind of friendship that I know how to give. Living each day ready for the world. Thanks for being the embodiment of a Matriarch Lucilla. J.A.B.
Date: 6/13/2014 10:49:00 PM
wow, I never read such a treatise before on wisdom. You are truly a wise person, my friend. Much of what you say shows your strong character. WEll done.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/14/2014 4:42:00 PM
The secret to wisdom is knowing, understanding what you need to be Andrea. Dignified character comes from believing in the gold of your motivations. Treatise, a rare compliment that I'll take proudly, sometimes poetry needs to clarify character comprehensively. Thank you for respecting the wisdom of my Being. J.A.B.
Date: 6/13/2014 3:01:00 PM
- "Wisdom Is My Wealth" ..... what a beautiful way to describe the love and wisdom, Justin - YES!! - You are truly RICH!! - A poem that I will think of in the future - Thank you !!!! - Wishing you a beautiful weekend. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/13/2014 8:20:00 PM
Ha, I'm at work, typing too quickly for my man hands, typos...recently...talent...LOL...another weakness is that I'm a typo freak, oh well, I can live with that too!
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/13/2014 8:17:00 PM
All of my qualties are rooted in Wisdom Anne, and those qualities can only be deminished or taken away from me if I succumb to mistrust and hate. My greatest weakness is that I'm too kind too often, but I can live with that. I realized receny, that I should dedicate my tent and poetry to the attribute that has made me become a good man with a great heart. J.A.B.
Date: 6/11/2014 7:47:00 PM
This is exquisite, I asked you to share your wisdom with me unknowing, and alas it appears you have. Your art flows so beautifully, I could never think to pass up a read.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/12/2014 1:22:00 AM
Wisdom prepares a person to love not only the extraordinary, but also the most simple gifts of life, including pain, and the inevitability of death. The question then is, what is it to love? J.A.B.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 6/12/2014 1:19:00 AM
The beautiful flow of my artwork is made possible by the beautiful perception of minds like yours Jay. You will always be a Sister of the Quill with me. Please, never do pass up my writes, for if you did you'd be passing by my heart without a kiss. J.A.B.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry