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Winter Horses

Poet's Notes

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Passing the local horse farm, witnessing the beauty of these beautiful creatures, calm and pensive.....a good way to start the day!

Horses wearing woolen coats of red, green and grey, Gather round their daily bale of early morning hay. Nodding, blissful heads, musing as they munch; The earth beneath their steady hooves feel the snowy crunch. Corralled behind sprawling, mended, wooden fences, Curious they gaze with acute and focused senses. Nostrils wide, clouds of breath, circling in rings, Listen closely, hear them softly neigh and sing. February 4, 2017 March 14, 2024 6th place win in Brian Strands #1294 Poetry Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 3/15/2024 11:49:00 AM
Hi Paulette. Long time no read so definitely time for me to catch up with your work. Congratulations on your placement in Brian's contest. I'm glad it placed because its given me the chance to read this; a poem that has so much atmosphere. "Nostrils wide, clouds of breath, circling in rings," is a great line. You've painted a scene in words and I can see it all as if it was me that was passing by. Cheers - Gary
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 3/15/2024 11:53:00 AM
Hi Gary, glad to see you stopping with such positive comments. Yes, it has been a long time....I got sidetracked for a while and was not active on PS... ( taking courses and had surgery) but I am back now and look forward to enjoying our 'poetic' community. Paulette
Date: 11/2/2021 8:27:00 AM
Dear Paulette, You are so wonderful with imagery! I could see those horses, hear them, smell the hay... Just beautiful!
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 11/2/2021 2:26:00 PM
Ann, You make my day with your uplifting comments! Thank you, but more importantly it pleases me that you can experience "Winter Horses" through my imagery. Blessings, Paulette
Date: 10/19/2020 8:38:00 PM
This is a sweet and beautiful poem! I also enjoyed your poems that were emailed to me when you became a lifetime member, especially Tough Love. That was written with such compassion, both for the speaker and for the person needing tough love. Congratulations on becoming a lifetime member.
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/21/2021 7:04:00 AM
Hi Jennifer, I apologize that I never responded to your thoughful comments. I appreciate your stopping by and Thank You! Blessings, Paulette
Date: 10/19/2020 8:41:00 AM
Oh, this is a delightful poem. Your imagery brought life to your lines.
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/21/2021 7:07:00 AM
Dear Franci, I apologize, seems like I am a year behind. Well I have awakened and wanted to let you know I appreciated your stopping by my page with thoughtful comments. Blessings, Paulette
Date: 10/18/2020 5:15:00 PM
Enjoyed the sweet rhythm of this perfect poem,Paulette!
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Date: 10/18/2020 2:40:00 PM
That’s really lovely Paulette, horses are beautiful and you portrayed that wonderfully well in your delightful poem. Belle
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Date: 10/8/2020 6:07:00 PM
Your imagery is well chosen and does not interfere with the poetic picture created.
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/10/2020 8:10:00 AM
Thank you for your encouraging comments.
Calasibetta Avatar
Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/10/2020 8:07:00 AM
Thank you for your encouraging comments.
Date: 10/7/2020 12:58:00 PM
An artistic vision of the heart always warms the soul. Very good job keeping the innocent image alive
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/10/2020 8:18:00 AM
Thank you. Imagery is what I love best.....letting my words become cinematic.
Date: 10/7/2020 11:27:00 AM
Very descriptive and beautiful
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 10/10/2020 8:10:00 AM
Thank you.
Date: 3/14/2018 8:44:00 AM
Beautiful and very inspiring scene you paint my friend! A fav....
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Date: 2/13/2017 6:46:00 PM
You so beautifully paint the scene Paulette!...we share the same love of these creatures:)
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Date: 2/5/2017 12:52:00 PM
Great imagery! Nice flow. Well done, Paulette.
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 2/5/2017 2:34:00 PM
Thank you, Susan. Glad you enjoyed it!
Date: 2/5/2017 12:28:00 PM
Hi Paulette! The lovely images you project are ones to which I am quite familiar, since every day I pass a similar scene. The only difference is the lack of snow, because we never get any in Malta. Regards // paul
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Date: 2/4/2017 3:15:00 PM
You created a breathtaking image of these "winter horses," dressed for the cold. I don't think God created a more beautiful animal. Wish I could see this site in person. Wonderful writing, Paulette
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 2/4/2017 4:09:00 PM
Thank you, Carolyn.....yes, they are breathtaking and delightful to watch, they make my day. I stop and check them out every time I drive by.....
Date: 2/4/2017 12:51:00 PM
I have next to no experiences with horses, except once as a child, I was put on a pony's back and was terrorized. Yet, they are fascinating, majestic animals. I love the details of your description which really makes them come alive. Well done. JH
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 2/4/2017 2:04:00 PM
Hi John, my experience is limited but I like you find them fascinating! Have a great week-end!
Date: 2/4/2017 10:53:00 AM
The cold weather makes them frisky, too. I love horses:) Nice poem, Paulette.
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Paulette Calasibetta
Date: 2/4/2017 11:27:00 AM
Thanks Daniel....yes....after their breakfast they really perk to watch them run and play.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things