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Wind Power

Wind Power, Progressive flatulence -- no more whale' tales from shore to shore – Poor ocean dears needing new steers, bumping their heads in our dark – “Old lamps for new” your lantern for my cute, feel-good spark... bumping their heads in our dark.... bumping their heads in our dark....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/13/2023 7:35:00 AM
Wind power I thought about leaking the fact That feeding baked beans to saliors on sail ships Could be the answer Joe.? And seeing how Seriously i'd be taken.? Hey maybe i'd get a 10 mill grant? I can't put anything past them.'
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Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 8/13/2023 9:14:00 AM
:)Lol -- ain't that the ball with ignorance, with evil, and line our pockets. I keep my pockets with holes in them, just in case I am ever tempted. Blessings my friend.
Date: 2/17/2023 5:15:00 AM
- The wind engine is, together with the water wheel, one of the oldest converters of energy; it appeared in Persia in the 6th century - A topic that must be considered carefully ... especially where they should be set up ... they are both useful and destructive - hugs
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/17/2023 7:15:00 AM
I am always in favor off lunch and wine (even before breakfast), my friend. We are only exchanging ideas and knowledge. I welcome new thought, extended opinions, and myself being taught by others. This is about the good of the planet. I don't have many answers...mostly questions. Blessings -- have a beautiful day!
Andresen Avatar
Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 2/17/2023 6:59:00 AM
Yes, you are right about that… it was for personal use… and much less than the ones being used today… (I understand what you mean… I understand the problem… the government is doing nothing in their freshly ironed white shirts ... how about a warm lunch ... and maybe a glass of wine )
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 2/17/2023 5:32:00 AM
For sure, Sunshine; but they were for local, small scale use -- nothing like the monstrosities now. They certainly cannot furnish the power needed to run a large city, without huge unintended negative effect on an otherwise healthy environment. Just my opinion. We are not talking windmills dotting the rural countryside in Holland. We are talking power needed to keep people from freezing to death in places where there are millions of population consolidated. What do governments do with these people? Windmill height (size) and location must be limited. I agree. An old saying, "The road to hell is paved with many a good intention"-- or close enough. I can't recall exactly.
Date: 2/16/2023 8:12:00 PM
On first reading I didn't get the full meaning and significance of your poem. Only by reading your reply to Victor's comment, I got the significance of your poem. Never knew windmills close to the sea adversely affect the marine life. Indeed an eye opener.... ! Thanks for sharing, dear Joe.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/17/2023 4:55:00 AM
I understand there is a lawsuit, doc # 666, Neptune vs. Jersey. Apparently, windmills being put in the ocean off the Jersey coast was all done without consultation and approval by the Sea Council – who clam (ocean slang for claim) guardians of the sea coast, Loan Sharks, were paid by politicians to keep usually open mouths shut, and therefore the project went forward without public digest (debate). Salacia, Poseidon, Neptune, and other overlords have their fins in a tizzy, equally upset about gender changing surgery being suggested to school fish pupils by gender fluid teachers also causing quite an uproar within the shallows and depths – stay tuned to the Splashy, your Prime Time Ocean News Network. This is written tongue-in-cheek, and any resemblance to real people or places is accidental and unintended. No truth in any of this to my knowledge.
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 2/16/2023 8:18:00 PM
The experts say there is no proof that windmills harm sea life -- and the dead whales, my guess, washing up on shore are maybe committing suicide -- who knows? Thank you, Valsa. For the record, I am not a marine biologist. Just my own gut feeling. They kill birds, that has been observed. Many.
Date: 2/16/2023 1:01:00 PM
In the global network there is no compassion but in God's land, well, he sees and watches and intercedes, my friend, enjoyed your emblazoned piece,
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/16/2023 2:17:00 PM
I agree, leadership based on personal feelings and not rational, well vetted considerations is disastrous -- Blessings my friend.
Date: 2/16/2023 6:32:00 AM
I read the note you wrote to Victor…yes that is truly sad. Great rhythm in final verse. In Isaiah 19:11, the Hebrew word for fool is “evili” from the same word for evil…hmm. It also says silly, foolish, and morally impious. All very interesting.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/16/2023 8:39:00 AM
Hi Kim; we can send billions to Ukraine, we can put illegal aliens on planes, send them around the united states to different cities, put them up in luxury hotels at the cost of billions, but we cannot get 5,000 people in Ohio to a safe location till things get sanely sorted out. Happy I am not God, if to be God is to also be All Loving And Merciful -- this present Administration makes me want to vomit -- "Spit them out!".
Date: 2/15/2023 8:38:00 AM
I agree with the direction the winds are blowing and the destruction that they may cause. Excellent response to Victor's comment below. Right on point my friend. Bill
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/15/2023 8:51:00 AM
Thank you, Bill. Just doing my best. Blessings my friend.
Date: 2/15/2023 2:15:00 AM
You won't get much electricity with flatulence.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 2/15/2023 6:24:00 AM
Thank you for commenting, Victor. That's about all these Wind Mills produce. Destroying the Jersey coastline -- disorienting whales, dolphins and a host of other sea creatures who use sound vibration to travel safely around the ocean. A group of people in charge who feel deeply but reason other words~ Fools! Ultimately only interested in their own power and wealth accumulation. Globalist, far from noblest. Gluttonous maniacs, prepared to starve world populations to save resources for themselves. Instead of finding sane, humane ways for dealing with over population. Righteous morons. Self made Gods and Goddesses. The world will end in 10 years!! Create a global then one can justify any criminal, immoral behavior. For the good of the planet!

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