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Wind of Fate

There is a wind never heard of A wind we've all soared Every bit of humanity has once been a submissive wife Or rather a humble slave to this wind This wind is part of earths eternal mysteries It has always been since the beginning of histories do not think this wind is evil but rather a analytical preview of our powerlessness in the genesis of our existence this wind starts it all it blows us to be us it designs our call it perfect our imbalance curse it gives us no choice it blows at partial course but still, impartial it blows some lightly and some heavily it blows some to terror and blows some to valor you still may not know this wind I'm talking about but it has blown you and everyone around you its the greatest thing that ever happened to you its this same wind that blow that crippled child you once pitied its the same wind that blow that poor beggar on wall street This same wind blew Malia into the womb of Michelle Obama This same wind blew me into one big family that could get me educated This same wind blew you into that family where you have 3 square meal This same wind blew one poor child somewhere into one miserably poor home Where hunger has become a necessary deal This wind I'm talking about makes us Our gender, nationality, family, are all determined by this wind Even sometimes we regret being who we are Or where we are We may want to blame this wind But this mysterious wind can never be blamed For the ones he blows into terror he fills with great valor As his reward for such ugly turbulence This wind; i call the wind of fate Blows some into riches And blows some into poverty Blows some into health Some into sickness It is sad, we don't have control over this wind But still, our control of this wind is what makes us By becoming the wind, we can control the wind By blowing once more on those harshly blown By blowing softly upon them that were terribly blown By showing love and concern for those that have been placed into discreet agony or suffering Not as a matter of choice but by birth Like the poor little girls in Niger born into the reign of child marriage Or the Poor hungry children in Africa born into abject poverty They have not chosen these for themselves. They were only blown by the wind of fate that has also blown you and I to a more fortunate position. The only way we can change things is to be the wind and blow on the hopeless once more..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 3/6/2016 9:27:00 PM
awesome poem
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Date: 3/14/2014 5:47:00 PM
Birth is never our choice, but once we are here on earth we have to make the best of it. For some the best is not enough. That's why those who have need to help those who have nothing. "It is in giving that we receive". // paul
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