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Who will the president elect, Elect

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In the below poem I advise a way to Mr Trump.' I hope Americans do not See me as intruding.? Its just advice.) I see it as a way of filtering out mans propensity to contaminate things..Not that they will be perfect in choice yet Its just saying to God I am handing You a great say in my administration And acknowledging that You already own all things.' This is just me coming To You with that in mind.? May God bless you all as you shape up for the New year' and maybe a 2024 committe will be born.??
Theres a wealth of talent..A sea of strength.' Those who Have stood outside of self.' Where to place them.? Time To think.?? There is a way to go today; involve the Lord.' Dear U S A, some advice from my mind, my heart and soul for indeed I have heard Mr Trump say' he's humble; this with his lips he told.' He said Gods the Greatest.' I agree.) So here Goes dear Friends..Just a line or three.? To thwart the devil who always lurks, you could convene (a strong committe of works) all Sound people beleivers are best' men and women who have been put to the test, I will give some names right here Just as a flavour, i mean not to steer.' Maria Vigano Father James Altman, Tim Ballard, Col MacGreggor R F K Maybe Ron De Santis? Dr Steven Hotze? The lady who Defended Mr Trump.? Whatever her name be.? The rest I Don't know oh.' maybe dr Peter Mcullough? This is just My idea.? I beleive it has merit if twenty four' could found? Who in life give all the credit? This takes Mr Trump out of Being personally involved and places Gods guidance in The driving role.' It would be faith in action from the President down.' And let satan (small s) know Mr Trump Is with God, the freeholder and King of all re-known.!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/16/2024 1:21:00 PM
Thank you for this read. I hope and pray as well that he has salt of the earth people around him to plow down the weeds of satan. The elites their best to take him down with American tax dollars. That in itself is a travesty. He needs to hold these that use tax dollars to do wrong accountable. God help us all around the world that he achieve 85% success on his agenda.
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Joe Maverick
Date: 11/16/2024 3:14:00 PM
Thank you so much William No man or woman is perfect we all know it or should?? So thats why I suppose I am advocating a Cross talented 'think tank' of believers in God..It should trim the ship before And during storms..And Trump can be assured he Can target on whst he needs to. In a calm manner'
Date: 11/11/2024 10:05:00 PM
We can only pray he makes wise choices. Having RFK on board makes me very happy. We can never predict the future but for now I have more hope than before.
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Joe Maverick
Date: 11/11/2024 10:59:00 PM
Good girl Andrea love that you are willing to hope.' It Might infect me..Who knows? I think what I propose would Steady things though' a bit Like a Saxon witan really thinking on it.'
Date: 11/11/2024 6:13:00 AM
We will see Joe wishing him the best to succeed. Hope you are well Joe enjoyed reading my friend.
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Joe Maverick
Date: 11/11/2024 10:57:00 AM
Let us pray for guidance and Wisdom i note many who Were former democrats have Moved over.' In truth man is Never going to get things right.' Only Jesus will rule Properly.' Be blessed Michael.'
Date: 11/11/2024 3:14:00 AM
Hi Joe; I think he will do well. Time will tell. I believe he is a faulted man, as are all, who has seen the light and miracle of Divine Destiny -- has dealt with his personal demons, and has given himself to God's love and guidance. Has taken on a mission to help the USA and the world. Already evil opposition has formed in democrat states, vowing to remain obstacles to his success -- evil has many do those who strive to be good. We will see. Should he have health setback, he is wisely surrounding himself with youth of like mind to carry on. Thank Sky News for their sound support. Blessed people.
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Joe Maverick
Date: 11/11/2024 6:05:00 AM
Yes we shall see Joe Dimino.. In the above write I forgot to Name any evangelicals yet its Only because I am not familar with any apart from tv ones I hear Hagee is a fair man but having never met him I cant tell.' I'd sugest some more unknown ones that are not presenter like..Anyway May God be with you all.)

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