What Keeps Me Going
What keeps me going in these cruel days?
Feeling my dogs' warm bodies next to mine.
Reading a poem that makes my heart sing,
or one so beautiful, it will bring tears.
Talking with friends as hours pass like minutes
Laughing over an old joke we've all heard.
Reading a beautifully-written book.
Listening to music, lost among thoughts.
Catching breaths of a gentle rain shower.
Listening to mockingbird sing refrains.
A gentle breeze that tickles face and flower
Finding new buds on young plants of summer
Searching stars on a quiet, moon-filled night.
Feeling the lightness of spring in the air
Letting soft evening lift my worried mind
hoping the World will find its long way home.
April 3, 2022
for What Keeps Me Going Contest ~ FIFTH PLACE
by Cecelia Hopkins Drewer
Syllable check: howmanysyllables.com
Copyright © Ann Peck | Year Posted 2022
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