I remember only too well
when years ago and once more
the clouds of my mind and soul
hung way below the horizon
pernicious weeds took well to it
infested my brain
grew roots and shooters
obstructed neuronal pathways
and pesticides only seemed
to further all negative growth
and now has come that time again
I am not talking about
a few thistles or dandelions
more like ragwort spreading
incessantly overtaking what
had been beautiful meadow
back then my wife soulmate and lover
made me clear a square meter or so
of our overgrown garden
and it seemed tedious and pointless
but almost like in prayer
I got down on my hands and knees
and fought the half acre or so
eventually the house and garden
became pleasing enough to sell and move on
thickets and malicious underwood
has sprung up again
a bracken underwood covers the ground
infiltrates me through every crevice
grinds up cracks and remorseful pores
the same cracks which are made
for the sun to shine threw
today I own an allotment
which has taken badly to
lack of care and involvement
time to move forward
with enough of the past being present
and for making every day count
in order to heal
I might keep some brambles
to harvest and even harvest some fruit
for now I must remember that one square meter
over time adds up
and that the elements are able
to cope with distress
and with myself
Copyright © Kai Michael Neumann | Year Posted 2022
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