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Water aid

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You may think me off target yet I see many organizations (Especially those with the word world) as the prefix to be Run by the same w e f w h o idealouges of genocide mass Murder division and their madness.' I have noticed a lot of The major charitys the w w f unicef u n all have the sky blue And white colour combination as does the uk now on many Of its broadcast backgrounds maybe the U S A is the same? U N E S C O I don't know about oxfam or save the children.? I know that these colours are prevelent on masonic aprons In the U K, I should think in the U S A also?? Its green and Gold in scotland in the main..Just a few points to consider Feel free to converese with me on any part of this write.' Today is the 18th of January 2024 I put this write down after Thoughts and a promting..Of what I know now as lt the Holy Spirit..Years ago I had premonitions?? And never recorded them Considering they were 'imagined' in this write I allude to what God and life have shown me what to look out for.' Here I put Banglsdesh among other places as having sub standard water I later saw yesterday, they have 'poison arsenic' at the very least In their water (yet they have all had water help from the west) I had no other source than my ' promoting to advise you of '
Forty years are well enrolled, through diggjng dirt i say.' In Bangladesh and nepal; Afganistan, Bombay.' Many water wells there are' And yet' so filthy too.? Its is spoken of upon t v always.' Yet is it really true? and in the west There are many so chemicals in it for children of today..' Plus me And you' Could the dirty water holes? Be western dug.? perhaps From The 70s up to this age? and if they're not? With cash given Quite a lot' why such a sad situation? Reigns.? Its also give and Give, for wars on want, and wars on wars.' So really far away.' That keep the average world population low.' 450, 000 dead in Ukraine? plus Russian dead also.? they say.' Now for some thats really great they power strut.' And internationally butt, in around our Globe; each day..There are always new catastrophe's Err.? Situations as one might say.? Also can the people help Is the very first yelp. They have collaterol the scheemers will Say.' Their lives are drab, they are far to glad.' Also We deserve, much more year on year; more! and that day By day' we're the better bred us peado-preds, we'll leave Our mark upon, this world, as our mainstay.' We'll change Their minds kick their behinds, and inject billions along the Way, herds they are' both near and far and they'll describe Themselves such way..What a laugh' pure fun they'll go our Way (the April fools) will follow each rule' each mandate SO WE SAY.! Any one who stands us up, they'll ridicule Again just as we say, we'll lock and shut.' Its really our luck! Thats (from lucifer btw!) And should they learn.? its all a Game' losses for them, yet for us much gains.' The egg bank 80s Took the 'branches down' soon every street will be ghost Town, and they will eat the insect fare, some are cancer causing, Oh this is so prescious rare..! We are the faceless That crave all power, over each daytime, minute; and the hours' Again the same goes for the night.' For we are the scourgers With all the rights.'

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/20/2024 8:15:00 AM
Lost my comment. Dang it. Anyway Sara's comment shows wisdom of understanding what is going on and sadly there is no more safety in numbers when people act as sheep do. Your understanding flows like water, Joe
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Joe Maverick
Date: 1/20/2024 1:47:00 PM
You done good anyway, truly though..This write came from Prompting of the Holy spirit I Beleive, there are no combinations known to humanity to explain things i have experienced that I have Actioned or didn't and watched events unfold..To late, much chastened and i regret..Wow i got this one though..' Thank you Father.'

Book: Reflection on the Important Things