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Watching Time

** Watching Time ** From all analog to any Digitally shown markings Of humanity’s invented Way to watch over Light — passing or coming — Time… In less than a breath, So, so many ways our anxious Noting of hours may be halted: By accidents or by The Will of Heaven! Remember ever seelng those once “Must-be-shown” to the garden’s visitors? — Those unique, Stone, short, column-standing Sundials, marking the hours With shadow and sunbeams Since 1500 B.C.E., which have Long been overgrown — all Caught up in ever-ongoing Miles of shade-overwhelmed, leaf- Overhanging trees, and, too, From climate affected heat And rain…The gray, raining Clouds so thick and towering On high with the rising Moisture of all humanity’s Tears. Then there will always be The remaining, need-to-know Few, who for medical or Technical or religious Or any other practical or Curious reson, will try to Fix their Heaven-warned Clocks, and to finally give up …Calculating to guess-estimate By motions of the sun, the Moon or the constellions; by The ebb and flow of tides Until, finally, in the far Places, when necessary, to Pen lines on paper, or Like (we may suppose) our Earliest ancestors, resort to Notching strokes on sticks: to Keep track of all the transient Things that can’t be fixed, or Hidden…Finally, quitting numbers To throw it all off to Magic With all the other unexplained Wonders there aren’t any ideas For, and at last figure up all Those anxious guesses about the Hour of the End-of-Time by the Repeticious and exhausting Counting of fingers and toes. ———————————————————————————————————- (c) sally young eslinger 6/8-7/10/2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/15/2023 2:45:00 PM
Intriguing poetry, my friend. Time (or what humans call time) is an interesting subject to look into. I enjoyed reading your Prose today, your train of thoughtm was smooth as you shared your thoughts with us. Write On Sally! A poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Date: 7/14/2023 10:13:00 AM
Quite a thoughtful journey and summation. Truth be told, Time does not exist outside our consciousness. Yet, we do live our thoughts and their feelings promoted. We are our own Time and its features. What other truth need we know? Care to know? Excellent read as time after time realized! Love it!
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Date: 7/11/2023 5:34:00 PM
All this for the Sun Dials sake. Very imaginative. My sudgestion clean it up. Move it put it in the sun. And know what the bible means when it says it was the third hour.
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Date: 7/11/2023 1:16:00 PM
Numbers sure are fascinating things. We count off seconds and minutes and hours of so many things constantly. I just can't believe how fast it all goes. And from what I hear, its all relative anyway. Time is like a giant circle that can be stepped into and out of and it would all be the same. It's not linear as many surmise. Did I get that right? I heard that theory somewhere.
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 7/11/2023 2:25:00 PM
Yes. I was around 30 before i heard things were’t linear.Still hard to keep to that. Also heard progress isn’t always progress. Oh nooo! 8-) God had to create mathematics in order to create everything else,but humanity invented time to try to keep track of part of God’s order! Hmm.The race of time in old age is yikes! Thanks 4 cool commens. xox sally
Date: 7/11/2023 5:51:00 AM
From sundials, waterclocks, and hourglass, Man has always measured time, Yet somehow they do not know what time it really is, Well penned Sally...
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 7/11/2023 2:34:00 PM
True, Joseph. Thanks for commenting. Being old, i think about the mysteries and SYMPTOMS OF TIME too much of the time. The days tme sends reminders & alarms at least x3 /day come to think of it, not unlike an infant’s scheduled needs. Oh nooo! Hmmm. sally
Date: 7/10/2023 9:56:00 PM
Such an interesting poem Sally. Such thought behind every idea. I really enjoyed it . Well written and such a gripping topic.
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 7/11/2023 2:38:00 PM
Hi Volumes! This topic can & does take up volumes. Thank you for commenting & your time to read and respong. 8-)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry