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Wasted My Time

No curse words allowed are you confused, lost, ignorant you are no artist, you have shunned art and its true purpose what is art? but an expression the low and vile are the most potent Did you forget, Emerson The Poet He would call you "selfish and sensual" "an umpire of taste" "proof of the shallowness of the doctrine of beauty" in a world of suffering, of loss Art isnt happy, and flowers in the park you, in your confusion, hide in the dark hide any truths of pain and suffering and by doing so you have lost your soul You are only half a person art is an expression of life and its hidden what is in a word? something to hide from? something to fear? to censor? to fight? are you that ashamed of language? honesty? expressions of shame? You are no poet, no artist you are no immortal, of course you are so cowardly and weak you will hide from me, censor me, avoid the truth, lie to the world if you cant stomach a curse word then you cant handle me any immortal would crush you and leave you wounded truly contemplating your life breaking you open, forcing you alive then, maybe then, you will have an emotion, worthy of expression into art. but dont get mad at me, angry or hurt You may just use a curse word

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 2/10/2010 12:04:00 PM
Michael, Congratulations on your worthy feature this week. Sincerely, Moses
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Date: 2/9/2010 12:30:00 PM
A real "cool" guy - I think he was a poet - said, "hey, man! Shit be one of the most descriptive words in the English language!" Congrats on this selection. Love, daver
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Date: 2/8/2010 7:45:00 PM
I have the utmost respect for teampoetry soup for featuring this. It shows your true beauty, and i do not mind at all not using cuss words in my poetry, it is not as hard as i thought. Please have patience with me as i am the extremist and will tend to upset people. My work is designed for that purpose to jar people into emotions.
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Date: 2/8/2010 7:03:00 PM
We don't mind people having a different opinion. We’ll even feature poems with different opinions. However, we just don’t allow certain things on this site. There are more than enough poetry sites that allow things we don't. So, really, no one’s thoughts are censored. That kind of Poetry has its place, just not on PoetrySoup.
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Date: 2/8/2010 2:10:00 PM
I have a problem with it being labeled a quatrin. Does he (author) even know what a quatrain is? Prose is defined as ordinary speech. I would say this one fits perfectly.
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Date: 2/8/2010 10:53:00 AM
Do you think they read this? It is the last one i would expect them to feature.
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Date: 2/8/2010 10:50:00 AM
Congratulations on being featured on the home page this week with your poetry >> James
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Date: 2/8/2010 9:52:00 AM
Congratulations on your poetry being featured this week. May you have many more Michael. Love, Carol
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Date: 2/8/2010 5:48:00 AM
Many congrats on your featured piece. Rgds Janette
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Date: 2/7/2010 8:37:00 PM
Congrats on your feature. Good comments on freedom of expression. Happy Writing! Laura
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Date: 12/25/2009 9:42:00 AM
Emotion/s, expressions and many other feelings etc compliment many a piece. Curse words have become street talk in certain societies and can also be used in poetry etc. There are sites on the net that cater for such pieces, the Soup will never become one of them. I agree with Anthony totally >> ....
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Date: 12/25/2009 4:26:00 AM
This will be my last comment on this as I do not feel it is the proper place for a debate. I defend the freedom of expression also, and your right as an individual to write to shock. This does not mean you are a true artist nor does it mean you are an adequate judge as to what makes an artist. While your last sentence is an artistic thought willfully hurting someone with the truth is not a gift of love it is simply pointing out another persons fallacies.
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Date: 12/25/2009 4:15:00 AM
I defend true expression, in all its forms. I do write for shock value, intensity, and attacks on the worldviews of those that mimic the artist. They devalue us by pretending to be us. If they can hold up to the fire then they will become a real artist. We will burn them until they are pure. It is a gift of love, to hurt them with the truth.
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Date: 12/25/2009 4:07:00 AM
I enjoyed this write regarding censorship. I do believe that a person will sometimes hide behind the the artist label or cry out its freedom of speech when they are doing nothing more than trying to shock or hurt others. The question is where do you fall with your writing? I do not mind reading foul language and I am quite capable of going into a cursing tirade, but I also believe there are far better ways and more descriptive words to describe any given situation.
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Date: 12/25/2009 3:56:00 AM
"Thinking and work can produce what you need" What does that mean? I give credit to you, your comment is a beautiful expression, nice. But what does it mean? Are you saying i should have spent more time writing it? I expect to be kicked off the site so i wasnt giving it too much of my time.
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Date: 12/25/2009 3:27:00 AM
Selection of the proper word from the list of many which could take days can cut a person down to size they would be so low that they could hang their legs off the side of a sheet of paper. Thinking and work can produce what you need. Keep the expressive and creative pen flowing. Sara
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