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Voices From the Stones

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Voices from the Stones

A message from those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Make these stones everlasting.  We will tell you how.

Do not stand before these stones and weep.

We gave our lives, but we do not sleep.

Our names and ranks are etched in these stones.

Sturdy, more enduring than our flesh and bones.

Read our names, see our day

we gave our all for you to say…


Freedom is our gift for you to share.

it is also a duty you must bear.

Our loss of life is your gain,

Do not let us die for you in vain.

Pass freedom on and it will keep.

Fail in your duty, and we will surely sleep.

                                                                                                                                                  By – Roger White

Voices from the Stones A message from those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Make these stones everlasting. We will tell you how. Do not stand before these stones and weep. We gave our lives, but we do not sleep. Our names and ranks are etched in these stones. Sturdy, more enduring than our flesh and bones. Read our names, see our day we gave our all for you to say… …FREEDOM IS MINE! Freedom is our gift for you to share. it is also a duty you must bear. Our loss of life is your gain, Do not let us die for you in vain. Pass freedom on and it will keep. Fail in your duty, and we will surely sleep. By: Roger White - Operation Desert Storm Veteran

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/12/2024 8:01:00 AM
It needs to matter! It should matter! One of my proudest achievements was in serving in the Navy. I never went to war. Thank you and all those who served in wartime!!! Your courage does not weep. You keep an everlasting vigil.
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Date: 5/28/2024 5:12:00 AM
Great Reminder
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Date: 4/8/2024 5:17:00 AM
Love it! .. are you a Veteran also? I was one of the lucky ones who got to come home .
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Roger White
Date: 4/8/2024 5:52:00 AM
I'll be reading you. Feel free to read my few I have up and let me know what you think.
Date: 4/1/2024 9:10:00 AM
Welcome to poetry soup. You served your country well. Write more and comment on poems of others.
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Roger White
Date: 4/8/2024 5:51:00 AM
I'm getting into all this more. I have some prose up, not much poetry. Need to get in there and add to my "Anthology" - as brief as it will be. Thanks - Roger

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry