Unreceived Parcel
Unreceived Parcel
I have sent your parcel Please be patient
Your curtain hooks have been sent
It's on its way
Yes sir, I have sent it
I will make a special deliver
Through the dark forces of night
In horse and cart
Await me at 2 am tonight
Leave the window slightly ajar
I will ring three chimes on my arrival
With your special delivery
Slide open the window
Look down You will see me standing there with your parcel
Slowly on your toes
Push forward and slide out the window
Reach for me
Then you will have your parcel
I will have delivered the goods
Your wife will have curtain hooks to hang the curtains
Then your curtains will be closed forever
I will place roses on your grave
Sending you a graceful goodbye
Delivering, your unreceived goods
Copyright © Tahira Parveen | Year Posted 2016
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