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UNDEFINED (a true story) The morning after the total housefire, 52 years ago, when the journalist asked the elderly man, “How do you feel after this tragic, sudden death of your wife?” I’d expected to hear a few sad words in response to the intrusive question, But his unforgettable answer changed my life, As he stated, “I looked up ‘grief’ in the dictionary and none of the definitions listed fit what I was feeling.” In the on-screen, hanging silence Created by his unexpected response, The interview ended there, holding on to a side shot of the old man backing away — with his new weight from the loss of home and wife… As he shrugged his shoulders While letting go a great sigh, and To define in that last shown moment, In universal body language, The Un-knowing That may wallow within us Around our resignation to grow past difficult times, To venture out again to Places where things may lay as yet undefined and, therefore, beyond control… Where tears may for awhile be our sole recourse To stand for the words of our sorrows That we share kneeling in prayer for some Divine guidance to face the further exigencies of life. ——————————————————————- (c) sally young eslinger 6/ 2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/22/2024 8:03:00 PM
...I am not quite sure what to say. Vivid, powerful, maybe just... wow. Sally nothing could have made the entirety of this write more personal, more understandable, than the story of the older gentleman. Brilliant
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Date: 6/20/2024 10:43:00 AM
Sally, grief is different for all of us for sure. A wise person once told me the best thing to do is to celebrate the things that existed and try to keep them alive rather than simply feel bad about the loss. I know you have been through a lot and I have so much admiration for what you do and your creations. You really bring a lot of joy to this place and to my humble heart when you create things such as this. You are truly remarkable indeed and perhaps now more than ever. TY for you!
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Date: 6/14/2024 6:48:00 AM
What an emotionally heavy tale. I often find that words fail to express and define my feelings and emotions. My heart aches for this gentlemen, and could only imagine the grief burden he must endure. Thank you Sally for an emotionally stirring and contemplative tale.
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Date: 6/12/2024 7:33:00 AM
One can write a million books but never describe what one feels about the loss of a house and more important a wife. Great poem.
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Date: 6/12/2024 7:32:00 AM
Heartbreaking poem. Sometimes even in poetic words it is very hard to describe how one feels after a loss of almost all that belongs to you. Enjoyed reading, Sally.
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Date: 6/12/2024 2:16:00 AM
Gosh thats just so sad, and a very inspiring thing for him to say too, grief is hard to define or describe as it is different and too deep and haunting, what one goes through , and in this situation , i cant even imagine what he must have felt losing his wife and home so suddenly in such a tragic way. Must be shocking and just heart wrenching. Thank you for sharing this. This made me think deep . And i must say it is also a fave for me. For the flow and seamless manner youv delivered it
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Date: 6/11/2024 7:04:00 PM
Beautiful, sensitive, intelligent, inspiring write -- it is not easy to endure such sorrow...but it can be done -- God cherish those loved one's, no longer with us -- some day to be joyfully reunited again with them in Heaven. You get a FAV from me. Blessings.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things