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Unconditional Love

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Part 1 Of all the different kinds of love. Some are gentle. Some are oppressive. Some come with pre-conditions. Some come from expectations. Some come with zesty flavors. Spices and exotics. In a secluded corner of an antique mind time enshrouded locked away in a jailess cell is unconditional love, a withering shadow, a remnant exiled and contagious plagued by insidious expectations grieving, resolute and alone. Some try to hide the keys from the trolls that invade their thoughts lest the viruses of doubt penetrate the sanctity of pure intention. The myth of unconditional love. Part 2 The loving heart soon decays amidst the mistaken belief that there are no conditions to unconditional love; there always are. One must possess a loving heart, open to all, not segregated and formed in irksome contemplation. When one is not loved back, he/she loses his/her impulsion. Emotions then become tempered, irrigated flattened and distributed in a kind, of non-vested washed out amusement drying naked tears in a windless environment. We become the product of our salient beliefs. That is why the religious profess God's love as being unconditional because it is almost non-existent in man. Unconditional love? There are always conditions, some obvious, some hidden, some obscure in confused enigmas. CAK 02-16-2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 12/1/2013 2:10:00 PM
Allen... Your poem says it all.. loved it, well written...which is why so many choose a pet.. talk about unconditional love ! No obvious, hidden or obscure enigmas !
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Date: 11/1/2013 12:36:00 PM
An interesting take on Unconditional Love Mr. Koven LOL! I think it is definitely an over used term for something that is extremely rare. Good job in making us think about something that is often used, but terribly difficult to practice. MC
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Date: 10/30/2013 9:54:00 AM
There is no such thing as unconditional love at my age not even for candy when you see what it can do to your health.
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Loving Iii Avatar
John Loving Iii
Date: 10/30/2013 9:58:00 AM
Even beauty has conditions
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John Loving Iii
Date: 10/30/2013 9:56:00 AM
I too left a comment for Vics"When I die."
Date: 10/1/2013 4:30:00 PM
Animals seem to have a better perspective of unconditional love than most humans do. Great write.
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Koven Avatar
Allan Koven
Date: 10/1/2013 4:55:00 PM
Some do but beware of the Jackal
Date: 9/15/2013 10:00:00 AM
great final stanza....your thoughts on the subject are enlightening.
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Koven Avatar
Allan Koven
Date: 9/15/2013 10:20:00 AM
Thanks Wayne, I really appreciated hearing from you. Allan
Date: 9/1/2013 12:03:00 AM
Yes, one wonders about unconditional love. God gives unconditional love - but we, yes we, impose conditions on it.
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Date: 8/26/2013 5:18:00 PM
Your words are those of a seeker and contemplator. I see you speak of believers and the religious in a few of your poems. My guess is that you have been the victim of religiosity at some point in your life. I enjoyed this thought provoking piece and I agree unconditional love is beyond human capacity but a mothers love comes closer than most.
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Allan Koven
Date: 8/26/2013 7:03:00 PM
Not a victim, but a questioner and as you rightfully suggested, a contemplator . Have been for a very long time. It is interesting to note that in this mixed up world, mother's have become more dominant and fathers in many ways less so. Not so sure that is good for mankind. Just my opinion. Thanks again for checking in.
Date: 8/17/2013 3:21:00 AM
Secluded corner of an antique have a flair for writing. An expensive poem...irksome contemplations , insidious expectations. .stupendous write..! Cheers !
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Date: 8/7/2013 11:43:00 AM
Enjoyed reading your creative work...It is hard to give unconditiional love as a human being..Great topic that you have chosen on which to write your work...Thanks for stopping by...My inspiration comes from different places..Sometimes a scene, sometimes a picture someone sends me via email, sometimes I look for pictures on the internet,sometimes while I am out on the porch, sometimes a movie, TV sermon, message at church,etc..Sara
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