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Two Greatest Commandments

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” NIV. Two Great Commandments We must praise God with our total being; With newfound faith in Him are believing; Yourself forget; In neighbors let; Help those in need who will be grieving. Jim Horn St. James Episcopal Church Shallotte, NC lord 127 End Rhymes One-syllable rhymes board bored chord cord cored cured fiord fjord floored ford gored gourd gourde hoard hord horde lord moored oared pored poured roared scored shored snored soared stored sword toured ward warred whored       Two-syllable rhymes abhorred aboard accord adored afford award backboard baseboard billboard blackboard breadboard broadsword buckboard cardboard chalkboard chessboard chipboard clipboard concord contoured corkboard dashboard deplored discord duckboard explored floorboard footboard freeboard hardboard headboard highboard ignored implored inboard keyboard landlord lapboard moldboard outboard outscored pasteboard pegboard prescored rancored record restored reward scoreboard seaboard shipboard sideboard signboard skateboard slumlord soundboard springboard surfboard switchboard tagboard toward uncured wallboard warlord washboard whipcord         Three-syllable rhymes aboveboard centerboard checkerboard clavichord coinsured fiberboard fingerboard harpsichord mortarboard notochord overboard overlord paperboard pinafored plasterboard pompadoured prerecord reassured shuffleboard smorgasbord stevedored underscored unexplored unrestored untoward weatherboard

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