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Turning the Spit

At a history museum By the hearth there was a spit With a slatted-wood contraption By a rope attached to it. When we read the explanation We were totally surprised. The contraption was a cage In which a small dog exercised. Like a hamster wheel, the dog would run In circles so the meat In the spit would turn, which helped To make the cooking more complete. With this mean but slick solution, What was roasting would not burn, But I hope at least the dog would get A taste of what he’d earn.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 4/16/2024 9:46:00 PM
Bizarre to say the least, but, like you, I hope the dog got A taste of what he’d earn. / Maurice
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Date: 4/16/2024 1:59:00 PM
oh wow what a wonderful idea - i bet it ran faster and faster when it could smell the meat cooking! hugs jan xx
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