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Try Your Best

If we all tried our best, To do everything we can To make the world a better place And to embrace our fellow man Our skins may be of a different colour. Our brains form the same. We are all human beings, With different cultures and names. We should celebrate the differences, That adds interest and intrigue To a life that would be mundane Full of self-interest and greed How would we survive, If we were all the same? Our education would be limited, And some would go insane Because of intermarrying One of your kith and kin What a state of affairs It would put the world in. Whatever race we are Be it black, white, red, or yellow Our inner core is the same Born a girl or fellow War makes unrest It never makes peace, If this were so Wars would cease, Individual inner peace The peace that calms the soul, War solves nothing It takes its toll In every facet of life Causing bloodshed and strife So before we crumble and fall Individuals, one and all Give your best And The Almighty will do the rest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/9/2023 9:12:00 PM
This is so good, it's sacred! It is a big-time FAVORITE for me, Shirley. You can't say it better than you have! Bravo! Excelsior, Gershon
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Date: 9/9/2023 1:29:00 AM
We are born in the image of God. When we forget that war follows. Your advice is great.
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Date: 9/9/2023 12:58:00 AM
Absolutely beautiful Shirley!! Debx
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