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Tongue -In- Cheek

Count it is ever wit as good :( - * to wet the mind I would : & a grin how be it a small bit :p stuck it out so all may see :p - waging like the cynic a bit : \ turn it upside down a symbol to your relief :( biting your bit "A witty saying proves witty" :O sardonic your face will not crack : I as good as pale gold the electric express :') it will not kill you to laugh a wit : D

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 12/24/2012 8:23:00 PM
John, Once again, we find ourselves trapped in the Holiday Season. And, hear I am stopping by to say Hi and to wish you a Merry Christmas once again sincerely from my heart. Loving each moment I found comforting here on the soup. Thank you for any comment or support you have offered now or in the past. Love always & forever ~ PD
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Date: 4/19/2012 6:30:00 AM
The sun is shining bright here this morning in Ohio and I am enjoying reading some very interesting and excellent writing. So happy to see yours among the ones I am able to read this fine day before I get busy. Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for sharing your poetry with us John. Love, Carol
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John Beam
Date: 4/19/2012 6:47:00 AM
Thanks you Carol it is Shinning bright here also and you also have wonderful day

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry