Tom Hanks
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T his the mid-seventies, California,
O akland Airport Hilton Inn, town aura,
M idst Oakland Stadium Complex, airport.
H ospitality Senior Special sort.
A t nineteen, I worked as a front desk staff,
N ear my location was the bell desk half,
K ept trim, per red suit, white shirt, a red tie,
S taff, gender-neutral, a naval suit, tie,
T he shirts meant an opt--mines stayed pink or white.
H e completed Skyline High, uphill site,
E nrolled some Hayward college, Chabot's there.
B ellhop often nights and days rather ne'er.
E vanescent guy while he graces us,
L ikable persona, a combined plus.
L ife of the party sort-of-guy on work,
H otel perceived for stars, plus times, some jerk.
O pie--Ron Howard, filmed roughly one month,
P roffered Hollywood, that bellhop, his front.
L ifetime scores, Splash plus, Apollo 13,
I n collaboration, Tom transpired keen.
F rom Cher on Sidney Portier, Jackson Five,
E verly, Righteous Brothers, Supremes, live!
Date: 08/17/2019
Copyright © Hilo Poet | Year Posted 2019
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