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and post notes and photos about your poem like Robert Candler.
Later this same day, while we were inside watching Sooners softball, Big Red returned to the patio, as did his mate and two youngsters. They ate some dry cat food bits while he made music. When they left, he remained and ate a few bits before returning to the tree line at the back of our yard. We like to give them credit for an ability to overcome their fear and appreciate our gifts to them as we appreciate their beauty and their song. Yes, we think he was saying, "Thank you."
The bits were tuna flavored, according to the bag. I wonder if they will eat chicken flavored bits as well. Wouldn't that be some form of cannibalism? After all, chickens are fellow birds; and most birds are on some animals' lunch list. Just kidding.
Two cannibals were enjoying some fish on the beach of some South Sea island, when one said, "You know, I haven't had a decent missionary to eat in months. I've had them grilled, broiled, boiled, baked, and sauteed. Not one was worth eating." The other cannibal asked, "Where are you getting your missionaries?" The first replied, "That big island south of here a few miles. You know...where they all have a bald spot and they all wear brown robes they tie together with a rope." "That's your problem," said the other cannibal. "Those are friars."
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