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Tired of the Trying

Poet's Notes

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Tired Of The Trying Tired of the trying I'm not crying anymore. Deceiving me believing you still love me like before. Finding fault in everything I try to say or try to do. You're tired of the crying and the things that I've been through. The bond once shared now broken I can see it in your eyes. Believing I'm deceiving you and everything is lies. What now becomes of what we've done? We've thrown it all away. Both tired of the trying and the tears we cried today. On we go this broken road that never has an end. Just in case along the way we care to try again. Edwin C Hofert

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/18/2016 12:07:00 PM
So Edwin...How deep is your love? You have just stated below that you would Love it....meaning a collaboration with Jeannie...and now soup mail her and get started...
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Cronin Avatar
Jeannie Cronin
Date: 1/21/2016 3:33:00 PM
I got that soup mail, Judy! I'm feeling pretty good about this!
Date: 1/17/2016 9:02:00 PM
Great heartfelt write! I think this could make for a perfect chorus for my Long Lost Love piece in the "Write me a Duet" contest! Love to do a collaboration piece if you're ever up to it!
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Konos Avatar
Judy Konos
Date: 1/18/2016 12:05:00 PM
Jeannie stay on him! There is no one who can write like Edwin. There is a group of us who praise him as well as draw our whips and let him have it. So soup mail him and get started...we want some creativity and you can bring it out....otherwise you may never hear from Mr. Poet who is taking Facebook by storm!
Cronin Avatar
Jeannie Cronin
Date: 1/18/2016 7:26:00 AM
No time like the present, take the lead, any subject and form you desire.
Hofert Avatar
Edwin Hofert
Date: 1/18/2016 5:31:00 AM
I would LOVE that! I think it would be awesome! Let me know whenever you want to get started!
Date: 1/17/2016 5:06:00 PM
some times the best thing is to walk away Edwin - I am sure people can relate to your sad poem:-( good to see you back:-) hugs Jan xx
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Edwin Hofert
Date: 1/17/2016 5:10:00 PM
Thank you Jan!!! Missed you!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry