Tiny Tears
Fill my life with colours of love,
Let me forget the woes from past,
Entice me with your magic now,
Fill my life with colours of love,
Give me desire to live somehow,
Embrace this moment, it won't last,
Fill my life with colours of love,
Let me forget the woes from past.
Wipe away tiny tears of gloom,
Hope you be my eternal spring,
Garden of my life failed to bloom,
Wipe away tiny tears of gloom,
Silence heaved me in vacuum,
Solace your courteous words bring,
Wipe away tiny tears of gloom,
Hope you be my eternal spring.
July 23, 2016.
eight syllables in each line,
sixth line's last word rhymes with the second line's last word.
Two Stanzas - Two Only - Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Broken Wings
Copyright © Meenakshi Raina | Year Posted 2016
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