Threat From Doom
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The drunk gods of vengeance mischievously donate their magic
filthy rags of wickedness, dropping down to curse humanity
darkness rules, day is banned for light to stay poisoned.
The ground peels from the earth to dissipate into the blackening skies
confusion strikes man, he runs for a place of hiding.
Green flames with deep bites and wide swallows appear
wizardry shadows with frightening moving roots and dancing appendages
the cry of a thousand babies, accompanied by raging storms
and then flashes of the eyes of a beast
electrically appear in this total darkness.
The winds roar, the clouds threaten with a thousand fingers
scrapping fortresses for dust-size pieces to break away in destruction.
The skies fight the waters,
heaven’s fury, standing toe to toe with the earth’s resistance.
Fear grows to become a giant among monstrous beasts
the heart of men, fight their rib cages for an escape.
Tears flow through trembling skins, muscles condemned by panic
as courage is nowhere for consultation.
Unknown forces long to prey on humans,
blood is the milk that keeps them healthy
and the souls of men is the only edible source of satisfaction.
Blood! Blood! Blood! Tearing humans apart to expose their fragile organs
dangling guts, gushing fluids and scattered flesh like stands of a thread.
Leaves of trees expand to town sizes, joining together to form
dark shades of purple with a million eyes that blink ten times in every second
matching soldiers, roaring thunder, deep echoes,
all never seen but punishing the ears,
accompany the anger of grumbling demons for mortals to wish for hell.
The unreal is without a throne but stands to judge mankind
seven horns on the head of a Gorilla with an Alligator’s jaw
then evil aggressively celebrates to everyone’s scare.
Death comes near showing its claws and venomous tail
extinction is invited with its noisy choir
terrifying the human soul for every eye to wish amputation.
Desperate reptiles roam the earth for refuge,
big and small, terrified of each other
unknown creatures of the sea run to dry land to escape turmoil
the birds of the air drop one after the other in lightning speed
rounding up as the bones of nature are completely broken
and then forces wrestle against forces for the supernatural to establish doom.
The Earth is the bargaining chip for abyss to let loose
man in serious danger, life gradually forced into unreachable prison
vicious and malicious spirits fly above his roof
the bricks of his abode tremble in total submission.
Habitation becomes a mud of navy-blue worms
liquid smoke emitting from the earth, linearly travelling up the sky
the heavens open its predatory mouth full of tower-height canines
wagging its tongue of destruction
to swallow the Earth’s smoke for life to come back a new.
Evil suddenly disappears
everything about life and nature resumes to normalcy
fear and extinction instantly withdraw to their heavily guarded holes
Life has survived yet another threat from doom.
Copyright © Funom Makama | Year Posted 2021
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