These Are the Days of My Life
I recall fond memories of happy childhood days
When life was so much simpler in oh so many ways
As children we played outdoors and had so much fun
No tempting computer games, just pure fresh air and sun!
We’d make a wish as we blew on fluffy dandelion clocks
and build enormous sandcastles in my yellow sandbox
I can’t believe how fast each day is whizzing by
As a child they went slowly, as I age how they fly!
I’m now approaching the autumn years of life
blessed to be a mother and a beloved wife
My son is just amazing - he’s simply the best
But my house feels empty since he flew the nest
Some days aren’t easy, they can be very challenging
But on reflection, I wouldn’t change a single thing
I know my days are limited, who knows when life will end
I’ll make the most of every one, on that you can depend
Days Contest Sponsored By Daniel Turner
Poem Inspired by ‘These are the days of our life’ By Queen
Copyright © Jan Allison | Year Posted 2018
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