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The Wonder of the Mind

Throbbing, piercing, perpetual pain Is enough to drive anyone insane Constant pain that does not ease. Nothing seems to appease, Pain. Pain that is so bad. You cannot walk, It takes away your desire to talk, You want the pain to go away What else is there you can say, Pain engulfs you against your will, It is a cruel and bitter pill, It dulls your thinking and your mind, And that is a pain of a different kind. It takes away your joy in living, Always accepting, seldom giving. A constant companion, unfortunately Who has become an enemy? It makes you think that nobody cares, As they appear to be unaware, Of this ache that's so unforgiving That is part of your daily living But deep down, you know they do They wish they could share the pain with you. As this can never be They can help you verbally By telling you they understand And offering a helping hand By being compassionate and kind It may help to ease the pain And do wonders for the mind.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/24/2023 2:03:00 AM
First thank you for reading my poems. I appreciate that. As for this poem, I can well understand the feeling of pain. The worst is a toothache. Next week I must visit my dentist. Can't say anything against them now as my grandson came first to study dentistry. Of all the careers!
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Date: 9/23/2023 1:55:00 PM
It said unread but.... This is excellent work in rhyming. There are those who endure this I hope your not one of them.
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Date: 9/23/2023 6:35:00 AM
Oh Shirley l felt like giving you a huge cuddle when l read this…l have said it many times before….your honesty and humour regarding ageing is to be admired! You are truly a genuine soul my friend…lDebx
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Date: 9/23/2023 2:37:00 AM
Pleasure reading this rhyming revelation of pain which is ironically a painful subject. I find the rhyme to be like music moving through the darkness of discomfort and ushering to the hopeful last lines. Bravo. Hoping you are not in such pain in any way. Hugs. I have medical conditions which caused me great pain so I empathize.
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Date: 9/22/2023 10:39:00 PM
Shirley, Pinch ourselves to remind us, we're awake and living. Pain for sake of anything more, unforgiving. Hope for forgiveness in days. -Richard
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