The Twenty-Mile Block Walk
I remember
It was the longest walk of my life
I was tired of running
Nothing really mattered anymore anyway
So I had a friend drive me down to Los Angeles
So I could turn myself in at the Prison Gate
He dropped me off about a block away
I had stashed some things up inside of me
So I could come up once I hit the yard
So every step carried with it
A certain amount of physical pain
But nothing compared to the pain inside
As I walked I was thinking about my wife and kids
At least I was sparing them the sight
Of watching me get carried away in handcuffs
I was so tired
I hadn’t slept in days
And from Northern California where I lived
To the prison in Moreno Valley
Was about a 14 hr drive
But Harry and I were so spun out it took us a couple of days
I was walking along
Empty as a grave waiting on a casket
Hollow as a tree full of termites
So sick of it all that I couldn’t wait to get into my cell
And I started thinking:
With each step along the way
Each has its own price to pay
All the things that I now feel
They have broke down my will
Turn myself in and get it done
These guards will know I’m spun
Is this how far my life has fell
Leave my family to go to hell
I really just wanted it all to end
Get out sooner if I turn myself in
Legs felt like million lbs. weights
20-mile block to reach that gate
With each step desperation grew
Because my very soul was torn into
Just keep on walking and get it done
Jesus Christ fool turn around and run
I knew the guards, which was no surprise
Hell we’d spent years telling each other lies
Final thought of my walk that day
Last time I’m going out this way
Funny, the end of one walk is where another begins
Thats why as I stepped through the gate I had to grin
Written for Constance's contest. This walk
from my friends truck to the Prison gate
was about half a block but seemed like an
eternity. My wife and Parole Officer together
talked me into turning myself in. In short, that
walked sucked really bad, never again! God Bless
Copyright © Michael Jordan | Year Posted 2009
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