the song, life -
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* For my youngest daughter, Alyssa, who knows me better than I know myself - my best friend, my joy, my Squeaker - what an amazing woman you have become ... and I never doubted it for an instant! I love you. *
Tiny eyelids flutter ...
The orbs beneath, busy with their magical meanderings,
Monochromatic piano keys gently holding up your cherub cheeks.
I wonder, Squeaker, so close to the instrument ...
Do you dream of melody and metre?
Are your tiny legs yet dancing across a whimsical landscape,
Black and white cobbles underfoot -
While marvelous creatures tumble and play for your charms?
Or is it possibility and hope that hammer the strings of your heart?
Oh, my precious and darling little one,
How I pray for your life to be full and fancy!
How I hope that you hear the music of wonder and enchantment ...
The white, shiny tones of joy and love and beauty!
But I wish for you to know the black keys as well,
The sharps and flats of life and love,
The darker and more concerning harmonies ...
Only in moments, but enough so you'll know their importance -
So you'll appreciate the bright melodies all the more,
And learn that it's the balance and delicate interplay of BOTH,
That makes this song, Life, so exquisite - so priceless and amazing!
I wonder, what will your song be, my little one?
What pattern will you follow as you skip atop the keys of life?
Whatever your song, Squeaker, it will be YOURS ...
And it will most certainly be joyous ... and loud! <3
~ 1st Place ~ in the "Tell Me A Story 2" Poetry Contest
Brenda Chiri, Judge & Sponsor.
Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2018
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