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The Piano Player

Internal Quote by Albert Einstein On the eve of the invasion, the world braced for an upheaval. Two ancient foes were poised for war, a war between Good and Evil. For things are deathly dark and unsavory when Satan's soldiers ride, and only acts of heroic bravery can help Good turn the tide. So we watched with pessimistic dread as soldiers circled ‘round Kharkiv. We feared so many would soon be dead, we feared what’s up Satan’s sleeve. In numbers seeming infinite, his warring hordes were drawing near, when we watched a young Ukrainian boy, a boy who showed no fear. He would play on a grand piano, he would play a soulful song, he would play sweet chords of calmness in the face of the warring throng. He would play with skill and feeling, he would play with a touch of class; while the rest of the world was reeling, he was kicking Putin’s ass. Electric chills spilled down my spine and there was nary a dry eye, while we watched and prayed he played unafraid of missiles from the sky. Will he live to see tomorrow? And what about his family? Will we learn their fate with sorrow? And can we cure insanity? For nowhere in this universe could crimes of cold cupidity be justified and understood but for human stupidity. And I'm not sure who will win the war, if wars can be won or lost -- the one thing I am sure about in the universe is the cost. For the cost of freedom is bloody steep, the consequences grave, if we fail to battle bullies, and if we won’t stand with the brave. And while we watched him on our big-screens, this boy’s bravery was clear; just don’t think for a single second “it could never happen here.” Submitted March 18, 2022, for the Kyiv Poetry Contest, sponsored by Kai Michael Neumann (First Place). This is a substantive revision of a shorter version that was submitted March 11, 2022, for the Keola Poetry Contest, sponsored by Hilo Poet. As of the date of submittal, news sources reported that the fate of the boy and his family is unknown.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/7/2023 1:25:00 PM
Hello friend, how i cried during this, the mastery of emotive invisibility, you truly are a gnostic of the invisible spirit. Although so moved, i see feel and hear your poetic excellence. Thank youxx
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Eric Cohen
Date: 10/7/2023 1:34:00 PM
Hello Janine. I am honored by your visit and kind words, and to call you friend and colleague. I've been away from this site (will get back eventually), but am delighted to hear from you. This poem was one that truly touched me when I heard the boy play on the night of the invasion, so I'm pleased you read this one. I see you've posted some new material and will visit when I can. Love, Eric
Date: 7/9/2022 10:06:00 PM
Eric, some exquisite writing here. The internal quote by Einstein was so intricately woven in, and your message of standing up against tyranny so powerful. Can we cure insanity? We have to find a way.
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Eric Cohen
Date: 7/10/2022 6:09:00 PM
Many thanks, John. I always appreciate your comments. I think we have both found motivation in this sad situation. ~Eric
Date: 6/8/2022 5:19:00 PM
Congratulations on your First Place win. This brought tears to my eyes Eric. Both the music and your poem celebrate the human heart. “ For the cost of freedom is bloody steep, the consequences grave, if we fail to battle bullies, and if we won’t stand with the brave.” Truly exquisite! I am putting this amazing poem into my Faves. Blessings xxoo
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Eric Cohen
Date: 6/8/2022 7:25:00 PM
Wonderful to hear. Thanks, Connie. Listening to the music brings me chills even today. ~Eric
Date: 6/7/2022 1:49:00 AM
I'm late to the party with my praise for your poem Eric. "Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity And I'm not sure about the universe." It says it all doesn't it? Great work. Cheers - Gary
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Eric Cohen
Date: 6/7/2022 6:17:00 PM
Yes, sadly, it says it all. Thanks for the visit. I'll stop by when I can. ~Eric
Date: 6/1/2022 9:11:00 AM
Hello Eric, Remarkable poetry, heart-rending and created and crafted with intense talent - congratulations - a top win so deserved! Jennifer
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Eric Cohen
Date: 6/1/2022 12:59:00 PM
Thanks again, Jennifer. This topic seems to inspire many of us.
Date: 5/12/2022 3:22:00 PM
I saw a little about this on TV and I wondered what happened to him and his family. Sad what is happening and sad that it doesn't stop. We have no idea which way it is going and who will be drawn in next. Reads like a good contender for the contest. Way to go. Thanks for the visit to my page. Sara
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Eric Cohen
Date: 5/13/2022 7:36:00 PM
Sad, indeed. I still get the chills when I listen to the recording of him playing. Best to you, Sara.
Date: 4/26/2022 12:20:00 PM
So sorry to hear that no one knows anything about that fearless brave young boy and what the fate of this young lad and his family was - I love your line 'while the rest of the world was reeling, he was kicking Putin's ass' Superb poetry Hugs, blessings, Jennifer
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Eric Cohen
Date: 4/26/2022 7:23:00 PM
Thanks, Jennifer. I always appreciate your visit and comments. ~Eric
Date: 4/20/2022 8:22:00 AM
Your poem is so beautiful, Eric. I didn't know about this brave boy...Your poem says it all. "for nowhere in this universe could crimes of cold cupidity be understood and justified but for human stupidity..." Exactly. Congratulations on your win!
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Eric Cohen
Date: 4/20/2022 3:19:00 PM
So glad you stopped by, Ann, and appreciate your kind comment. I think we are like minded. I still get chills when I listen to the music in the You Tube video and think about what's been happening. Also will leave you some comments on your excellent poems (haven't been by to read them for quite a while).
Date: 4/18/2022 3:37:00 AM
Congrats! Thanks for sharing this, wisely expressed. God bless you.
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Eric Cohen
Date: 4/19/2022 6:10:00 PM
Beata, thanks for your visit and kind comments. ~Eric
Date: 4/17/2022 9:45:00 PM
"the cost of freedom is bloody steep" - The entire poem is very beautiful. Congratulations!
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Eric Cohen
Date: 4/19/2022 6:04:00 PM
I appreciate your visit and your poem as well. I thought I might get no comments until you were the first. Thanks.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things