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The Norwegian Lady

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The Norwegian Lady was the figurehead from the Dictator, a Norwegian vessel that ran aground near Norfolk and Hampton Roads. The rescue of the survivors spearheaded the founding of the United States Coast Guard. Captain Jergensen lost his pregnant wife, Johanne and his four year old son Zealand. The wooden figurehead was replaced by a bronze statue on September 22, 1962 with a duplicate being erected in Moss Norway. The sister statues actually face each other from across the sea, forging a bond of friendship between the United States and the magnificently beautiful Norway.
Since the 19th century, she stands looking out to sea A guardian of the sailor, a survivor of tragedy The Captain lost his pregnant wife and son and five members of his crew Now she waits just like her sister when a sailor's return is overdue Her sister stands in Moss since nineteen sixty two They stand and face each other across the ocean blue The Dictator, a Norwegian vessel, aground she did run Nine people died off the shore in eighteen ninety one The Captain returned to Norway when his healing was done In Elmwood cemetery he sadly left his wife and son On thirty seventh street in Virginia Beach the Norwegian Lady Stands A monument to all who sail and walk on foreign sands

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 2/2/2012 1:36:00 PM
At first, I was expecting to read a poem about our beloved Anne Lisse. I now see that is not the case. If I ever go to Virginia Beach, I will have to check out this statue. Good descriptive write with some appropriate rhyming.
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Date: 1/2/2012 8:06:00 PM
Hi Vince, so glad I read the explanation as it enhances this sad but fascinating story. You certainly describe the tragedy with enough detail to entice the reader.
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Date: 10/4/2011 7:08:00 PM
Enjoyed the story..If for a contest, good luck..I read your explanation of the poem..Good educational work..Sara
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Date: 10/3/2011 2:28:00 PM
A well told story with historical nuances of adventure, tragedy and bravery. Excellent couplet you created here, dear Vince! Thank you for your comment on my blog. The "Blue Angels" are a fantastic phenomenon created by a group of great guys indeed.
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Date: 9/30/2011 12:16:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your excellent poetry today Vince. I wish you a most enjoyable weekend with lots of sunshine and happy thoughts. Love, Carol
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