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The National Catfish Syndrome Organization

It seems there's a decline of civility in America in most every deed and word, Especially among politicians and many members of the common herd! Folks do things and say things that don't make a tittle of common sense, Then they cower behind the First Amendment using that as their defense! I'm proposing the formation of The National Catfish Syndrome Organization, And emulating the trait of the lowly catfish is the membershiip qualification. Alas, the members, like catfish, have a large mouth and a very small brain. They spread vicious venom and silly tripe which has become our Nation's bane! Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/9/2018 8:47:00 PM
G'day Bob … and once you get up and running, put them in the trough where the politicians snouts wallow about. Best of luck; let us all know when you hit the fifty million members - thanks Mate - Lindsay
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Date: 6/30/2018 5:55:00 PM
Very good, Robert! People don't strive for "class" anymore.
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Date: 6/30/2018 5:18:00 PM
made me smile Bob:-) hugs jan xx
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Robert L. Hinshaw
Date: 6/30/2018 6:52:00 PM
Such is life in the colonies these days. Really getting crazy and out of control! Good on you always - Bob
Date: 6/30/2018 4:42:00 PM
Wow! Great write!
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Robert L. Hinshaw
Date: 6/30/2018 6:54:00 PM
Thank you, Kim - I treasure meaningful comments - Best to you and Happy 4th! - Bob

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