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The Missionary and the Bum

There once was a bum. He was the neighborhood drunk. He had an unkempt demeanor. His salt and pepper hair had not been washed in years. The clothes he wore were ragged. His shirt had giant holes in them. He looked twice his age. In his drunken state, he cursed everyone that came his way. His smell was so horrible you might as well say he showered in whiskey. That didn't bother this young missionary who lived nearby. Every day she would bring the old bum food and clothing. She would offer him shelter as well. "Hi, sir. How are you today?" "Why don't you just leave me alone. Can't you see I don't want to be bothered." he stated with a slur. "Sir, I'm going to leave your food and your clothing right here." As she said those words, she bent down and placed his things on the ground. This was their routine for well over a year. But on this in particular day, the old drunk appeared to be coherent. He was sober. As the young missionary approached him, she said, "Hi Sir. How are you today?" "I'm fine, ma'am. How are you?" he said in a grateful tone. "I'm well, Sir. Are you hungry today?" I brought you some food and water and some clothes and shoes.” He shook his head no. "Ma'am, I don't want anything. However I do appreciate it so. I'm going home today." His statement took her by surprise. It literally caught her off guard. "Sir, I didn't even know you had a home." She stated in a shocked tone. "Ma'am, I do indeed have a home. I'm homeless by choice. I want you to know your kindness will not go unnoticed." She knew it wasn't right to judge but she thought to herself he has gone insane. " Miss I stopped believing in God a long time ago but your loving kindness showed me, God, today." "Okay, Sir. I'm going to leave these things, and I will see you later. However the next day, the old bum was not in his usual spot. And sadness overwhelmed her spirit. That old bum had become a big part of her life. She grew to love him very much. As the days went by, she continued to look for him and he wasn't there. It was as though he dropped off the face of the earth. Today was a beautiful day, and she was at the corner, in the spot where the bum sat. Deep in her thoughts as she began to walk; she nearly bumped into someone. As she was about to speak, she saw this well-groomed middle-aged man with dashing good looks. " Hi Ma'am. How are you?" She recognized the handsome stranger's voice instantly. "Sir, is that you?" She asked just to make sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. "Yes, Ma'am, it is me. I just came by to formally thank you for all of the kindness you showed to me. I was in raggedy clothes, and never once did you show disgust. You see, I am a millionaire that had lost his way. My wife of nearly thirty years got ill and passed away. At that moment, I lost my mind because my home didn't exist anymore." As he finished telling his story, little tears began to fall from her eyes.Through small sobs, she said, " I'm sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray to God on your behalf." " Ma'am, your prayers are why I stand here today. If God had not sent you my way, I would probably still be lost. Would you please not cry for me? I will be okay". He reached in his pocket and pulled out an old business card and handed it to her. "Take my card. Feel free to call me anytime. All that I have now belongs to you. Do you remember that day when I told you that your loving kindness would not go unnoticed?"As he said those final words, he turned and left, leaving the young missionary dumbfounded. 10-29-16 Alexis Y

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 2/2/2023 6:33:00 PM
Beautiful poem, we never know who needs a kind word just to ignite that soul to seek God
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Date: 10/15/2021 7:12:00 AM
Alexis, you brought me to tears. A classic tale of never judge anyone much less a book. Poignant, well said. The whole faith restored piece just tore me down to the ground and you built me back up RENEWED! Great stuff, nice work.
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Date: 10/10/2021 1:00:00 PM
Wow, amazing, you're super talented! Such incredible details, nicely done!
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Date: 3/10/2021 3:40:00 PM
You are a story teller poet too, as I consider myself to be sometimes, Alexis. This is your number one poem here and i can see why. Very impressive and sweet.
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Date: 3/3/2021 1:12:00 PM
A wonderful story Alexis... if one treats those lost and in need with compassion amazing things will start to happen ~ Belle
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Date: 8/3/2020 5:05:00 PM
God bless you Alexis. I love this. Beautiful, kelli
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Date: 11/25/2019 9:57:00 AM
I found it Alexis. This is beautiful. Always share Gods love with others. Thanks for letting me know about this poem
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Date: 9/18/2019 12:01:00 AM
This is truly the way that God would have wanted her to treat this man and I hope that I can be as kind as she was, with or without the reward - there is a reward in heaven, being with the Father of light. Bless you always. This is awesome and I'm so glad you wrote it
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Date: 2/24/2019 1:31:00 PM
Hello Alexis Y., I like the ending to this poem. Have a nice day my friend,
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Date: 2/19/2019 10:36:00 AM
I must say Alexis, after meeting you in Nov.of 2017 in Grand Rapids, MI...and seeing first hand your crochet creations....and afterwards reading some of your writing...You are a woman of many talents and warmhearted and kind..Do not allow those psychopathic men to eat you alive, my dear.
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Date: 1/23/2019 7:49:00 AM
I have to say, this touches me very personally. My wife was my home. She was wonderful to come home to. Now, after a year-and-a-half since she passed, I am just beginning to feel normal, occasionally. Wonderful piece! Fortunately, I didn't go all the way down to the street, but I need to trim my beard, and stop eating out of cans. I guess I just wanted to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS! Made my day to read it!
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Alexis Y.
Date: 1/23/2019 7:54:00 AM
WoW! Andrew, I am so sorry for you loss. I'm happy to hear that this poem of mines, made your day. Comments like this makes my day! I appreciate that you stopped by today:-)Alexis
Date: 1/6/2019 5:58:00 PM
Very nice.
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Date: 12/18/2018 6:29:00 PM
That was awesome Alexis, very, very touching my friend!
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Alexis Y.
Date: 12/18/2018 6:50:00 PM
I'm glad that you enjoyed it my new poetic friend:-) Alexis
Date: 5/16/2018 6:27:00 PM
Nice story you seem to be kind hearted toward personal judgement.
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Date: 4/16/2018 5:19:00 PM
A heartfelt poem.
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Date: 4/12/2018 8:29:00 PM
Hi , Thank you all very much. This poem is dear to my heart. I view it often. Once again thanks:-) Alexis
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Date: 4/12/2018 6:56:00 PM
Nice write, though I expected a different ending :)
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Date: 4/12/2018 12:36:00 PM
Wow Alexis, what a powerful poem. A real reminder of the kindness we can show.
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Date: 4/11/2018 8:27:00 PM
This showed up in my email and I'm glad it did! What a heart wrenching piece, I really appreciated this :)
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Date: 4/11/2018 12:26:00 PM
Fantastic story .usually to many words and talking bores me very fast but this i wanted to know till the end i even love to know more . :)ty
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Date: 4/11/2018 11:36:00 AM
Now I know how people feel about my long Poems hey same subject mater
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Alexis Y.
Date: 4/11/2018 12:24:00 PM
Hi Marc, I don't write long poems that much but when I do I go for it. I appreciate that you stopped by. Off to visit your page. PS, If you this is long you should see the ailing queen.
Date: 10/19/2017 5:18:00 PM
So beautiful, Alexis! It reminds me that we are all called to live our lives as Christ lived His and we seem to get caught up in the every day hustle and bustle that we forget this. I will go back and re-read this form time to time as a reminder. Thank you my friend!
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Date: 3/23/2017 2:19:00 PM
Good story! Alexis. : )
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Date: 11/27/2016 1:17:00 PM
A very nice tale. We never know who we meet,and where our path may lead But boldy go with mindful steps And when you can, a stranger feed
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Date: 11/15/2016 10:30:00 AM
Hello Dear Alexis!! Sorry I missed this one, but I'm glad I found it. Best Congrats on the POTD honor!! This is a marvelous prose write. What a most wonderful story you've unfolded here to the reader. A Superb Write!! And a FAV!! Cheers, Gary
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things