The Mighty Oak
This is a story to be told
About a man of old
He said that he would
Never rise
In the ground would he reside
Never would he face God
His remains would rot and make sod
So he a plan devised
This plan totally made by man
On his grave he would have placed
Ten inches cement fully ingraved
Never would he come out of that ground
He would have a ton of dirt all around
No way would his body come out
No way would he rise and shout
Just rot and rot and decay
Then one day a squirrel would play
Right on his grave he did stay
Chewing a nut to get to meat
He just wanted a treat to eat
Something frightened the squirrel away
Then it rained right away on that day
Leaving the acorn exposed to sprout
Then the angels all did shout
That acorn sent down a shoot
That shoot began to take root
From that a mighty oak
Large enough for hundreds of post
Sent its tendrils of roots around
Coming up from the ground
Forcing open that slab of cement
His body rose with a lament
Copyright © Sara Kendrick | Year Posted 2009
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