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The Last Rituals 2

Hello friends of Poetry Soup. I am coming back after a long gap during which many things happened with me. I lost my dear wife Shashi in July 2017 who was ill for the last few months. She was not only my life partner but she was my inspiration which helped me a lot to write and compose some songs and music etc. The Poem ‘The Last Rituals’ is a small homage to my dear wife Shashi which was written immediately after her death but it’s first part was completed a little later because of Ash ceremony which we completed later at Rishikesh (in the foot hills of Himalaya) in the Holy water of River Ganges. .... Ravindra K Kapoor The Last Rituals 2 The immortal lines of Geeta Began to overflow in my mind "nainam chindanti shastrani nainam dahati pavakah na chainam kledayanty apo na sosayati marutah". 04 “The soul can never be cut to pieces By any weapon, nor burned by fire, Nor moistened by water, Nor withered by the wind” Only it has changed its tired and exhausted body So that it may take a rebirth Like the new rays of Sun Which get vanished in end of the day But comes every morning With a life giving and blooming effects In which every plant and trees Every flower and buds Feels the refreshing energy of God. 05 I was aware that her sweet smiling face And her humble body Which became weak and powerless Because of the tortures of modern medicines And hundreds of painful tests Which she faced in the last few weeks Had lost their ill effects Which was paining her in the last moments of life And now she was free from all pains and miseries From all bondages and cares and pledges As she was in the divine hands of God. 06 The next was her body’s final journey Towards the river bank of Ganga For its last and final good bye The moments were heavy When we waited for the whole night For her son with his family to arrive During this time of complete silence & darkness When she was resting in a cool box We were reciting her favorite chapter from Ramcharitmanas "The Sundar Kanda" When we completed it in the early morning The golden rays of Sun were Piercing the slightly clouded sky To spread its last rays On the cool and calm body and face Of my dear wife Shashi Which was still in the same stage As if she is in rest and sleeping Although I knew that Changes inside her body were still Taking place Reminding us that We cannot keep her like this Forever. 07 ......To be concluded Ravindra K Kapoor India 29th Aug. 2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 8/30/2017 5:03:00 AM
I feel the great emotion in your beautiful words Ravindra. I am going to copy your entire tribute as it is such a wonderful final gift to your lovely beloved wife Shashi. Again, my condolences and love and blessings my friend. Aloha, Connie
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Ravindra K Kapoor
Date: 9/15/2017 12:11:00 PM
Thank you for kind and precious words dear friend. I was trying to know if you have written anything on India please let me know. I will try to translate that in Hindi and would publish it on my face book page. Love and best wishes always dear friend Connie. ...Ravindra K Kapoor
Date: 8/29/2017 5:19:00 PM
May she rest in peace forevermore, Ravindra. Also beautiful like part one. And I am sorry about your problems with Soup. I let them know for you when you asked me on FB. I sure wish they would do something to help you out.
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