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The Jungle

30,000 insect species per mile, half of them in my space whirr of wings, none of whch make me smile Hot fetid air decay of leaves humidity overwhelms me i cannot breathe Dense impenetrable green, rank pools of water holds things i have never seen The twitter and call of things unseen leaves much to the imagination my wild thrashings, my curses and condemnation Leafy clutter abounds every where yet nothing is wasted nature's powerhouse recycled every thing eaten,everything tasted Dark gloom of triple canopy, day like night night,stygian darkness terrifies me For the jungle man has no place,nothing for the jungle,the insects are king Frogs croak,hidden things chatter flash of colour,nothing seen stench of decayed matter, everything green Hot jungle,constant drip of water, razor sharp bamboo, makes me falter This moving green mass holds me in its web, the 30,000 insects, i dread Time to go quickly, for i am not of the jungle, which makes me poor and sickly Leave,for the 30,000 insects have evicted me dont worry,i'll go you'll see whirr of wing croak of frog escapes me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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