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The Grand Jam Cotillion

Ah, at a magnificent place 'twas this ball held! With gorgeous jam debutantes, arriving one by one. Sorry you were not there! To behold the debutantes and their escorts gliding down the winding stairs Such beautiful faces,and all superbly trained in fine cotillion graces. First came Rose Petal and Seville Orange, a stunning pair! Then Honeysuckle and Sir Hawthorne, so stunning they drove the crowd wild. Next, the gorgeous Pearadise and Sir Quince, so gorgeous we all did wince! Cherry and the famed Knight Elderberry made all heads turn. Sparkling Dandelion and Prince Habanero, so lovely, struck our hearts like arrows. The Viennese Waltzes began, a night so memorable. We all applauded such gorgeous couples. Mesmerized by such grace beyond finite. Each couple,bowed and left us " eventually. With dreams of next years cotillion, We all pledged to be! September 12, 2019 *These are names of actual names of homemade jams and jellies.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 9/13/2019 1:15:00 AM
Wow Panagiota - so different, so creative, such imagery and a lot of talent - I love the way you coupled your jams and jellies - a poem extraordinaire! Hugs, Jennifer..
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/13/2019 11:17:00 AM
Jennifer, this was not an easy write. Haikus, etc are faster and easier. I never heard of some of these. But I have been a debutante. I have no clue why I combined these. Combine jams and a cotillion? Fun! Thank you. Love, Panagiota ( just had a scrumptious, Greek cookie...heaven)
Date: 9/12/2019 9:15:00 PM
A new experience for me altogether. Thanks for the intro, my friend. :) gw
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/12/2019 9:27:00 PM
Ok, glad it was a new experience. )) Appreciate your comments as always! Panagiota xx
Date: 9/12/2019 6:37:00 PM
Hi Panagiota, this is such a wonderfully fun poem. I must say, it is most creative. I enjoyed the read my friend. Have a wonderful Friday. Hugs....Mike. XX
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/12/2019 7:06:00 PM
Greetings, Mike and a huge hug and thank you. I agred,this is a unique poem. It was a stretch for me and tons of fun. I have been a deb and wrote a poem about that months ago. Never mind me. I wrote this so others would enjoy. Am relaxing today. A great weekend be yours. Hugs, Panagoita. XX
Date: 9/12/2019 5:36:00 PM
what a cute and clever way to pay tribute to jams and jellies, Panagiota!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/12/2019 5:38:00 PM
Andrea..I thought...what a goofy idea..but it was so fun to be silly. Love, Panagiota

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