The Grand Jam Cotillion
Ah, at a magnificent place 'twas
this ball held!
With gorgeous jam debutantes,
arriving one by one.
Sorry you were not there!
To behold the debutantes and
their escorts gliding down the
winding stairs
Such beautiful faces,and all
superbly trained in fine cotillion
First came Rose Petal and Seville
Orange, a stunning pair!
Then Honeysuckle and Sir Hawthorne,
so stunning they drove the crowd wild.
Next, the gorgeous Pearadise
and Sir Quince, so gorgeous we
all did wince!
Cherry and the famed Knight
Elderberry made all heads turn.
Sparkling Dandelion and Prince
Habanero, so lovely, struck our
hearts like arrows.
The Viennese Waltzes began,
a night so memorable.
We all applauded such gorgeous
Mesmerized by such grace beyond
Each couple,bowed and left us "
With dreams of next years cotillion,
We all pledged to be!
September 12, 2019
*These are names of actual names
of homemade jams and jellies.
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2019
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