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The Foot Coverings

Poet's Notes

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hymeweaver rhyme meter rhythm writing for kids children's stories lines foot feet variance mixed meter pentameter octameter tetrameter iamb anapest trochee dactyl double rhyme stressed unstressed syllable double masculine feminine ending Lane Fredrickson end stopping stopped enjambment elision

/ un / un / un / Boot shoe boot shoe boot shoe boot / un / un / R Dis cus dis cus disc / un / un / un / Boot shoe boot shoe boot shoe boot / un / un / R Dis cus dis cus brisk If you speak the English language that is if English is your primary language, place your hand on your chin that is your four fingers..Speak the word, feel your fingers move when there is an accented word or syllable..That will solve the problem of stressed and unstressed syllables..Finally, but this is not always true but mostly.. Finis'

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 3/31/2015 3:07:00 PM
imaginative, sara.. i hope you are not getting stressed with the un/ un/ un...:) huggs
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