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The Elephant In the Room

She may be petite or large...not the point; Moms are Republicans; she may have small feet... or large – either way, hurt their children and they step heavy – Democrats to-rue-the day, they turned from the peoples' good to pay-to-play – the ultimate maleficence. The Devil's acolytes....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 11/6/2021 9:58:00 AM
Joe, Yes you have a right to feel betrayed. Hope still springs eternal (because God is Good, when we are not). Thanks so much for commenting on y poem "Thanks," after which I had no device access until today, this very hour! GraTia! and shalom, shalom
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/6/2021 10:59:00 AM
Mio Amico, you are very welcome. Shalom. Blessings. If we speak up, will not let ourselves be silenced, God will be with us. He helps those who help themselves. We have let a small group, of very bad people, seize power in the USA.
Date: 11/5/2021 9:18:00 PM
I like your reply to Paulette. I am called evil because I am in the minority and am seen as someone hurting others with my stance against vaccines. They say I do not believe in covid and that my actions are political. Not even true. I simply trust my body's immune system more than I do an experimental vaccine and I simply am fighting for my basic human rights. Why make ME out to be the bad guy? I feel discouraged all the time
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/6/2021 6:56:00 AM
Hi Andrea; first off -- I am not a anything I say is personal experience and just my own opinion. Wife and I are seniors, we had Sars about 30 years ago (very sick for a few days, close to hospitalization) but fought it off without medication -- we have not gotten the shot, feel we have naturally acquired immunity -- have not worn masks when not forced to -- I have held yard-sales (love them!), upon to the public, have not worn a mask, and if we did get reinfected it was so minor we did not know. The risk of bad side effects from vaccine is not worth it (for reasonably healthy people -- my uneducated opinion) -- I believe (my uneducated opinion) the risk of serious side effects are about 16 times greater than CDC is letting on. I am starting to hear from people I know, many alarming side effects. So, use your own judgment. Blessings. Your, uneducated friend, Joe.
Date: 11/5/2021 9:12:00 PM
The last lines are so clever. I have no political affiliations, but what I see happening these days is really turning my stomach!
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/6/2021 7:05:00 AM
I have found over my lifetime, that doctors are great at diagnosing things. I go to them, they tell me what they think. Prescribe medication -- then I do it my way, treating myself with natural cures not prescribed. Rarely, but I have gotten very wrong information from some, at times I respectfully disagree. Always get second and third opinion when possible. MD does not mean Minor Deity. They know what they have been taught. Only my own opinion, Non medical, not an expert -- just been around awhile. My wife is a healthy 91. We can't be entirely stupid. Don't listen to me. Use your own judgment.
Date: 11/5/2021 4:43:00 AM
In our own minds, we're all justified... God wants only that anyone who does evil repent sincerely for his/her misdeeds, and then not do it/them again. Sounding a bit like a nun here, but really... Happy Friday! :) gw
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/5/2021 6:17:00 AM
"If not for the grace of God, there go I...." I hear you. The best of us are sinners. That's why we have this earth. To redeem ourselves. Nothing wrong with sounding like an old nun. For several years I was friends with a Sister Hildergard -- at the time, the oldest surviving Dominican Nun. They had asked her to write the history of The Dominican Nuns, which she declined to do, telling me that she would not have the final edit, and it would not be as complete as she would like (nothing bad to say -- but she wanted an exact account as she knew it). She was a beautiful person. God love her. Taught me the little I know about writing, which was her specialty. Blessings my friend.
Date: 11/4/2021 7:00:00 PM
The elephants and the parent bears are out of the cage, in the room and on the street. Have a care! If you threaten their Cubs! Well said, Joe.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/4/2021 7:18:00 PM
So true my friend!! Thank you. Blessings!
Date: 11/4/2021 2:44:00 PM
Hi Joe, Well said...."The Devil's acolytes....isn't that the truth? Blessings, Paulette
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/4/2021 6:30:00 PM
Hi Paulette; people have this wrong idea about "Evil People". Most people who commit evil acts, don't even know they are doing evil. We have this myth about a devil, coming to you with a contract, to sign in blood for your soul, which, really, only happens to Satanists, and on rare occasion. In fact, many people who commit evil acts actually convince themselves that they are doing it for the greater good of humanity. Like "a woman's right to choose". Can anything be more evil than Abortion? And then selling Baby Parts?
Date: 11/4/2021 6:37:00 AM
....IS IT PINK??
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/4/2021 9:03:00 AM
:)High John. I mean, Hi John. I don't think so...I think this is the kind one wants to stay out of the way of, when it is pissed-off, protecting its home turf. Thank you my friend.
Date: 11/4/2021 5:42:00 AM
Exactly Joe. Well done :)
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Joe Dimino
Date: 11/4/2021 9:06:00 AM
Thank you, Heidi; the real Oz has least, the one in my (with a small "m") household...the one I always pay attention to.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things