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The Drunken Pen

A one eyed drunken pen stares at blank paper with blury vision It begins to stuble and trip as it walks on the lines, It vomits words unsettled in its abdomen the master of this drunken pen is drunk to they vomit together from the summit of golden mountain tip They refill and sip taking the paper for a trip to the bar then off to the rum oceans were they wet the paper with tranquil words contaminating marine life fishes swin in circles inebriated swimming into reef ascending beyond the sun writing with skill and thrill until the end has come and fingers are numb babbling,babbling all around safe and sound writing on air and ground,words profound placing gems on paper vomited from inner abdomens ground many jewels discovered and found from inner drunken thoughts what am I saying displaying playing in drunken circles like a bike in your mind, like circles of confusion sorry its my drunken pen,sunken in drunken ink did I just make you think crossing and tossing papers while flossing words teeth dose it shine like a nickle or dime damn I need some more wine to rhyme and climb poetic mountains soaked by a fountain of drunken inc ok the poem is over I am vomiting down the sink my pen is sober it can no longer think,some more I must drink,did I just say the poem was over sorry its my drunkens pens fault dancing with whirl pool singing with eagles I stole a bone shaped pen from a beagle hiding in clouds drifting above in the brain of the sky oh my rapid heart beats connecting to a world beyond and beyond,beyound sober Ok it's enough liquor for you old pen sorry its my drunken pen hang over hang over poetic hang over POETRY SOUP PLEASE gulp gulp gulp AHHHH much better BEHOLD my poet friends I created a new kind of poem it is called drunkenpen. There is no need for correct spelling or grammar,you don't need to stick to one theme,any thing goes.The only requirment is the following you must blame every thing on you drunkenpen. Take a (SHOT) at it. Have fun LOL. WithIn this eccentric format their is two different styles. The wine drunken pen and the rum drunken pen. The wine drunken pen does not have any periods and not as much misspelled words. However it still has a drunken flow and its still drink and stumbling. The rum drunken pen is the most articulate pen,it has many misspelled words and grammar errors. Along with a crazy unpredictable read. Any and every thing can happen. What i have written is wine drunken. By:Elliott Bowe

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 5/3/2012 7:21:00 PM
Oh, MAN! I wondered who walked off with my pen... and I gotta lighter I don't recognize offhand, might it be yours? :) def dig the write, namaste~N
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Date: 5/3/2012 2:35:00 PM
This is some good material!!! lOVING IT!!
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Date: 5/3/2012 3:44:00 AM
except its a drunkenkeyboard for some of us ;-) mind blowing stuff
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Date: 5/3/2012 1:35:00 AM
This is quite good and probably even better than you think. It is good to see you having fun at this. I do some of my best work when I am having fun with what I am writing. How in the heck do you think I ever came up with Vexation? I thought it was funny. Keep the ink flowing. TLee
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Date: 5/2/2012 11:47:00 PM
lol...... Yes, I blame all on my pen to Elliot. Cool poem!!! :) :) :) :) - oxox Anne-Lise
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Date: 5/2/2012 8:18:00 PM
hahaha, it's funny. and the beauty of it is that you don't have to care about your grammar and spelling because your pen is so drunk!! Loved how you ended it.
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Date: 5/2/2012 7:48:00 PM
BRAVO!!!BRAVO!!! Wonderful drunkenpens.
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Date: 5/2/2012 6:49:00 PM
Sound like the precept Spirit of freedom Elliott, Thanks for stopping by. Agape, Moses
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