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The Dream-Maker

As the darkness of the night looms in The Dream-Maker visits us in our bed. He rides a fine steed of fiery black With reins as fine as a spider's web. By his side he carries a golden sword He never slows down, never lingers. A salesman dreams of his next commission As the Dream-Maker rides over greedy fingers. With silver armour that glistens in the night He rides through the brain of a radio deejay. Who dreams of non-stop talking Without really knowing what to say. To fool all the people All of the time is a politician's desire. So he dreams of an extra brain In the hope it will make him wiser. With an helmet concealing an empty face The Dream-Maker glides over a teacher's lips. Who dreams of a hidden smile. To watch over exams that students sit. No-one will see the Dream-Maker arrive No-one can escape the Dream-Maker's curse. Not even the factory creep dreaming of a tongue Long enough to lick the boss’s ****.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 12/16/2015 6:51:00 AM
Well done writing such a beautiful, smart poem like this... Hugs / / :D dalia.
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Date: 2/4/2015 1:19:00 PM
As long as one must dream, why not something ribald or selfish, eh. Enjoyed, daver
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Date: 11/7/2014 4:46:00 PM
Very good poem i really like it
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Date: 11/6/2014 8:11:00 AM
those two final lines had me in hysterics lol - great write with wonderful imagery:-) hugs jan xx
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