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The Death of Merat

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I leave the auction sick, my mettle frayed A ghost, I fear, in oil clutched near my side No doubt, a ghost for which I've dearly paid! How best to next proceed, I must decide The painting I have bought portrays a man laid out upon a bed as if he sleeps A woman stands beside the low divan Offhand, I'd guess a mistress that he keeps I recognize the bloke who's laying prone A classless dog and local alley cat His past and family folk remain unknown but those with whom he spoke called him "Merat" I peer more closely at the racy scene; Beside Merat, a pool of crimson red The woman's face is cool, if not serene, quite out of place, considering the bed! I take my time in staring at the girl, and make an observation I can't bear my hands begin to shake, the air to swirl, for that's my naked wife who's painted there! As I trudge home, it's hell that fills my head and passing by a doorsill with a bin, I tell myself it's I who will be dead if I don't shove the dreadful painting in My mind is blank as I bypass the stairs and free from fear of my assassin wife, I steer my thoughts past murder and affairs, then pull her near and thank her for my life

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/26/2023 8:35:00 PM
Excellent poem as an interpretation of the painting. Very creative poetry, Lycia. Congratulations on the Top 100 New Poems List! Bill
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Lycia Harding
Date: 7/26/2023 9:33:00 PM
Thank you, Bill. xoxo LyLy
Date: 7/22/2023 7:13:00 AM
Well, look who's still around. Quite a write here Lycia
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Lycia Harding
Date: 7/26/2023 9:34:00 PM
Date: 7/14/2023 6:39:00 PM
The last stanza is really interesting. Has a catharsis effect. Beautifully written. Congratulations!
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Lycia Harding
Date: 7/14/2023 11:54:00 PM
Thank you, Chris! xoxo LyLy
Date: 7/14/2023 3:07:00 PM
Lycia, what an interesting turn of events! Ditch the painting, keep your wife, save your life. A Fav for me. Congratulations on your placement in Dilly Dally’s contest.
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Lycia Harding
Date: 7/14/2023 11:54:00 PM
Thank you, Mark! xoxo LyLy

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