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The Comos

Oh you say you could not forget, The beautiful sight of the cosmos before you, Was it perhaps the spark in my eye, Or the light in my laugh, That taught you to remember? You say you could not regret, The breathtaking sight of the cosmos beside you, Was it perhaps the lilt in my breath, Or the way my hips rose when you touched me there, That made you decide so? I imagine your fingers trailing, Carrying the heat of asteroids, Cosmic shivers ripple through my core, I shake and ache with need, And you demand the beauty of the cosmos. You demand to see the desperation, As it awakens in my eyes, Sexual frustration building up inside. And with your touch, You release a million shattered stars into the sky, To decorate the empty night. Oh you say you could not forget, The sight of the cosmos if you tried, Eyes rolled back, lips parted, Wet lips seeking a gasp of breath. Your voice whispered against my hips. You say you could not regret, The sight of the cosmos at night, Tired sighs, and closing eyes, Moonsilk skin soft and resting right, Against your chest, Curled into your arms. You'd gladly remember, The cosmos for the rest of your life.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 5/1/2014 3:07:00 PM
Strong feelings of perfection in a sensual rendition that reaches up to a climax. Very well executed. Deserving of a top rating. // paul
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Date: 5/1/2014 1:03:00 PM
Hi Jay, nice to know you. A very sensual poem using the cosmos as a metaphor. well done, my compliments. But who are the Comos?
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Date: 4/21/2014 1:08:00 AM
Your Cosmos is a question that feeds but one answer, love is ours. I remember the ember of our future. " Carrying the heat of astroids..." Incredible, unforgettable, A FAV. J.A.B.
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Date: 4/20/2014 8:49:00 PM
what a sexual poem, but sensual sexual not dirty sexual. I was quite fond of the line : you release a million shattered stars into the sky to decorate the empty night: this poem may make the readers need to take a cold shower following it. ;-P
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