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The Cold of Winters How Can My Words Perceive

The many winters I had seen When once I was a teen Gathered inside our small living room Joy and simplicity our faces illume Warm with laughter at striking stories Light is the heart and empty of worries My sisters and sole brother The treasure of my father and my mother Mum, our angel of the earth The springs of our gaiety and mirth Moving in the magic of her young age Our hunger for hot food would assuage Would even bring a piece of paradise To us, if we dared ask, for any price Dad, overloaded, would tread miles for our sake Serene reassuring smiles while so much at stake The nights echoed holy verses dad used to read Developing a sense of belonging to his creed Opening our hearts to the graces and blessings of the Divine In my veins, a life of a tender love I’ll ever enshrine ***** Many winters had passed Still nourished of a so precious past Confined to the tranquility of the night The magic box would offer dreams in black and white Stress and concern evaporated and lost weight Soft whispers.. suppressed giggles with life pulsate The quietest of corners I would always look for My sanctuary, my home made bookstore Ever my worlds side by side shaping the inner me No single worry over the one whom I would be Why would I when I was entangled in more than one story Preened myself on my pen musing in my world of ivory My younger sis who of English knew no word Would grant me her patience and love for what she heard Love and most of all contentment and gratitude Deeply remained, the reign of my worlds and my soul food The cold of winters, now, how can my words perceive In my realm of poesy what of warmth willing to weave The winter of our Life which many abhor My wishes I will have the grace to adore.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/6/2022 7:56:00 AM
A wonderful memoir in poesy; your sister is like many quiet heros and sheroes. Happy new Year
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/8/2022 4:17:00 AM
Oh! Indeed, I see my sister as such! Being of kindness and generosity to listen to what she couldn't understand but rather feel and appreciate! Thank you so much, Anil for your kind words and lovely feedback! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 1/2/2022 6:45:00 AM
What a fantastic piece of writing! Your thoughts are enjoyable to read. I fostered a tense atmosphere to your overly emotional work, which conveyed my youth and personal sibling memories. It is impossible not to be enchanted by the outpouring of your yearning golden heart. And familiar beauty of love and sorrow that warms the nature of ardent reader with some of its light. This is a fave for me.
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 1/5/2022 11:57:00 AM
I'm so happy my dear memories resonated with you, Lassad.. reminiscing about what had helped nourish our souls and build who we are.. thank you so much for the honour of your visit and beauty of your words.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/24/2021 11:50:00 AM
Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/24/2021 2:39:00 PM
So kind of you, David! I highly value your honouring visit and warm wishes.. My warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/23/2021 8:04:00 AM
Dearest Besma …. A visceral response to your emotive write that brought me back to my own childhood and intimate family moments . Reminding me of cherished times as of yet uncovered …. A tear in my eye and a pang in my heart . You are a magician of time and space weaving thoughts , memories, nuances, and love with ease . In gratitude for your words and your heart . A fav for me . Sending love and blessings to you and yours for a healthy happy holiday. Big hugs , Susan :)
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/24/2021 2:34:00 PM
Indeed, deep within we treasure so dear memories and precious moments in time and we keep reminiscing about what brings bliss and warmth into the heart.. tears to the eyes and a lump in the throat.. You have waved your poetic wand, dear Susan and you have enchanted my soul with your wonderful words! Thank you so much for the honour of your visit and beauty of your response! Stay happy and blessed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My deepest regards and blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 12/23/2021 6:28:00 AM
Beautifully written story bringing out noble heart. Such a great writing! I enjoy reading your works. Kindly keep writing.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/24/2021 2:20:00 PM
My joy is deep reading your lovely and kind response to my humble words! Christuraj, you are of beauty and humility! You honour my humble poetry.. thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/22/2021 7:12:00 PM
My dearest soul sister, indeed, we share so much, from our desire to express our poetic hearts to the veneration of our parents and appreciation for the precious childhoods they provided us both. "Gathered inside our small living room/Joy and simplicity our faces illume/Warm with laughter at striking stories/Light is the heart and empty of worries" - truly and beautifully expressed. Sweet Besma, gifted poetess, your home could have been my home. Like you, I am "still nourished of a so precious past", though the present is bittersweet for those souls we now miss.. I feel your longing through your rich expression. I am enraptured with the outpouring of your wistful golden heart and its familiar beauty of love and loss fills your avid reader's heart with its radiance. A Fav! Your are ever admired, my poetry sister. Warmest wishes for you and yours to have the happiest Holiday season.. love and hugs.. ~Susan
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/24/2021 2:16:00 PM
Truly if our hearts open wide their gates and let flow all those sweet and heartwarming memories, great times shared with our precious parents, though no longer in our lives but still and ever in our poetry will suffice.. my elation is immense having you, dear soul sister Susan savouring those memories and relating to them.. We take pride in the riches they left behind.. Love, kindness, empathy, generosity and most of all self sacrifice and endurance.. my dear poetry sister, I do feel your radiance in every single outshining word that profoundly ignites my soul and warms my heart.. so much grateful to you my sweet friend for so beautiful and rewarding feedback! I'm deeply humbled and blessed. Thank you heaps! My warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! My deepest regards and blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 12/21/2021 7:02:00 PM
Your eloquent poem speaks of love truth, light and family that endured much but were so very blessed to have each other. Such deprivation I endured as a child-a family of 13 living and working on a farm. This to me is a gem and reminded me of my youth, my beloved family. Such depths you tread as your verses made a finely woven golden tapestry. A fav.. God bless..
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/22/2021 12:58:00 PM
So honoured by your visit, Robert and so happy to receive your wonderful feedback! Your words of appreciation and praise are of inestimable value to me! A lot to be learnt from a poet in your calibre and a soul in your beauty and humility.. Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/20/2021 12:48:00 AM
Memories of childhood are so very refreshing. It is a time of no nagging anxieties or pressing responsibilities. In winter the only longing was for warm delicacies. I too had a younger sister... we were like fraternal twins, always enjoying each others company . Your beautiful childhood has taken me to my own childhood. But unlike you I don't remember to have written anything while I was a child. Thank you Besma for a pleasant ride through childhood... Love and blessings!
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/22/2021 12:47:00 PM
I started writing in my mid teens in my mother tongue language, Arabic.. then when I learned the English language I was fascinated and switched to writing in English. A long story of love for reading and writing.. I'm so happy, dear Valsa, we have a lot of pleasure shared.. thank you so much for always being here honouring my humble words and adding a lot of wonder to my soul.. blessed to have you.. My deepest regards and blessings Love and hugs.
Date: 12/19/2021 5:49:00 PM
Memories are indeed a mixed bag my friend. But we have them so might as well learn to live with them and cherish them. Have a great day.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/22/2021 12:21:00 PM
Thank you so much, David, for your great support and wonderful response to my humble words.. I highly appreciate your graceful presence and great support.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/11/2021 10:36:00 AM
Amazing poetry. to enjoy a gathering and memories come to us. And how kind to translate English to Arabic for your sister. It shows you care. Blessings.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/13/2021 2:28:00 AM
At that time I was very excited and overwhelmed with joy writing poetry in English! And my sis didn't give me the feeling that she needed the Arabic version and kept receiving my poems with an encouraging delight.. thank you so much, Victor for your insight and kindness.. grateful for your ongoing support and honouring presence. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/10/2021 8:32:00 AM
How lovely to look back over the years, remembering those happy times of our youth. But with a touch of sadness when we think of those no longer with us. Hope you're well Besma. Tom
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/11/2021 4:06:00 AM
Absolutely! Dear and sweet memories bring a whole wonderful life that enlivens and elates the soul.. even though there is a bitter taste as our precious souls had left our world to rest in the peace of Heaven.. Thank you so much, Tom for your kind words and great support.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 12/10/2021 5:32:00 AM
These treasures from memories celebrate care and love of family. Love for each other unfolds like pages of albums, Besma. I see your sister listening to your stories, admiring her sibling. A sense of belonging, indeed! A FAVE for me.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 12/11/2021 3:51:00 AM
So glad my humble words could convey the Love and warmth I am blessed with.. Blessings not to be taken for granted despite they are unconditional.. Ever grateful to God and to my family and to each beautiful soul who helped develop and beautify the inner me.. so much grateful to you dear Vijay for your genuine and uplifting feedbacks and great support.. My deepest regards and blessings.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry