The Book of Books
A book comprised of sixty-six,
with content of a unique mix.
Though found in almost every home,
It’s very much an unread tome.
The authors were a motley crew,
Into whose minds the Spirit blew.
Its storyline is God’s great love,
revealed through Christ sent from above.
Most other books, mere knowledge give,
But The Book changes how we live.
It has a storied history,
Yet most find it a mystery.
As best-seller, it has no peers,
It outsells all books year by year.
Most governments its impact fear,
They ban it from the public sphere.
The more obscure The Book is made,
the more society’s morals fade.
Crime rates increase, there is no peace,
As men are controlled by caprice.
You want to save the human race?
then give The Book its rightful place.
We sure can use God’s saving grace,
So, let’s stop flying in His face.
Copyright © David Richmond | Year Posted 2023
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